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Three-Dimensional Art

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1 Three-Dimensional Art
ECED 3214

Provides children with a multitude of possibilities for making complex shapes from a main body of materials. Can be touched, felt, and viewed from a variety of perspectives. Provides opportunities for children to organize sculptural form to convey their own ideas about what they know and how they see what they know.

3 Gives them valuable life skills
Gives them a real sense of accomplishment Gives them an opportunity to be creative Can lead to greater self-confidence Can improve eye-hand coordination Can improve small and large muscle control Gives kids an opportunity to develop problem-solving skills

4 Helps kids compare and contrast size and shape
Can give them a chance to solve real math and science problems Helps kids compare and contrast size and shape Helps them learn how to measure Helps them learn how to plan ahead Helps children learn new skills for working together

5 Molding and Sculpting with clay
Working with the clay becomes a whole body experience and encourages both large and fine motor development. Clay invites physical manipulation and even the simplest of physical actions – squeezing, patting, poking, or piling it up – produces an immediate and satisfying change to its shape and form.

6 Working with clay is also a multi-sensory activity.
Clay can feel slimy and wet or it can be hard and dry. Different clays have different smells and colors. Children hear two unique sounds when they squeeze wet clay though their fingers and when they pound the clay onto the table. As children learn to pick up on all of these subtleties they are strengthening their sensory skills.

7 Fabric and Fiber Comes in many colors and textures.
Excellent material to see, touch and handle. Comes in many colors and textures. Can be glued, stitched, woven or unwoven.

8 Boxes, Wood, and Sand Can use glues, tape, and boxes to construct three-dimensional objects. Can transform three-dimensional objects to have personal meaning – cars, trucks, houses, etc. Small pieces of wood offer a variety of possibilities for three-dimensional objects. Sand casting can be used to create three- dimensional objects.

9 Increases Creative Expression
Encourage individual expression Allow children to work with different materials. Supports the development of spatial intelligence. Allows children to use their imaginations to create patterns and designs. Increases the ability to see objects emerge and unfold in the artistic process.

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