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ELTM31 Skill Building Entry Level Training Module III: Lesson Four.

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1 ELTM31 Skill Building Entry Level Training Module III: Lesson Four

2 ELTM32 Learning Centers/Interest Areas Blocks Table Toys Large Motor * Woodworking Cooking Dramatic play Home living Science/discovery Sensory Table Library Writing center Computer Art Music/Movement

3 ELTM33 Value of the Block Center Builds problem-solving, creativity, and math skills Increases social interaction Develops pride in accomplishments Improves large and small motor skills Teaches basic concepts (position, size, etc.) Builds organization skills Develops language skills

4 ELTM34 Value of the Table Toy Center Enhances eye-hand coordination, small muscle skills Provides challenge, experimentation, and invention Increases creative problem-solving Develops cooperation, social skills Builds seriation, matching, and classification skills

5 ELTM35 Value of Large Muscle Area Improves cognitive skills (recall, problem- solving, creativity) Enhances emotional well-being (relieves stress) Develops imagination and sense of wonder Teaches self-help, independence

6 ELTM36 Value of Woodworking Develops fine motor skills Introduces tools and their uses Teaches classification of size, shape, color Teaches sequencing and following directions Develops pride in accomplishments

7 ELTM37 Value of Cooking Center Teaches a “survival skill”, self-help skills Develops pride in accomplishments Increases science/math skills (measuring, following directions, observing changes) Appeals to child’s senses Provides opportunity for REAL adult activity, not just pretend/imitation Develops motor and language skills

8 ELTM38 Value of Dramatic Play/ Home Living Develops social relationships Increases self-expression, communication skills Explores various roles Enhances self-image Develops motor skills Improves sensitivity to peers

9 ELTM39 Value of Science/Discovery Area Teaches the use of tools Develops observation skills Exposes children to a variety of textures, shapes, colors, etc. Develops an understanding of the biological and physical environment Teaches classification, prediction, and comparison skills Increases vocabulary

10 ELTM310 Value of Sensory Table Improves physical dexterity, eye-hand coordination Develops social skills Explores concepts (sink/float, large/small, wet/dry, hot/cold, shapes, volume, cause/effect, etc.) Develops creativity, problem-solving

11 ELTM311 Value of Library Area Develops listening skills Fosters social relationships Develops appreciation of books, print Presents new perspectives Teaches new concepts Adds to and enriches children’s first-hand experiences, presents information

12 ELTM312 Value of Writing Center Develops fine motor skills Teaches that letters represent sounds/words Increases vocabulary Develops social skills

13 ELTM313 Value of Computer Center Enhances social skills Improves computer literacy Can provide self-paced learning Can provide access to disadvantaged

14 ELTM314 Value of Art Area Develops cognitive, problem-solving skills Strengthens motor skills Enhances emotional well-being, feelings of accomplishment Improves creativity Increases aesthetics Encourages pro-social skills

15 ELTM315 Value of Music/Movement Area Develops gross motor and coordination skills Improves rhythmic movement skills Exposes children to names and sounds of instruments and the creative process Develops language and listening skills Helps children express feelings Increases self-concept

16 ELTM316 Floor plan considerations Ensure safety Promote health Provide comfort Be convenient Be child-sized Maximize flexibility Encourage movement Allow for choice Meet developmental needs of each child

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