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What are vector images? How are they different from bitmap images?

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Presentation on theme: "What are vector images? How are they different from bitmap images?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are vector images? How are they different from bitmap images?

2 Objectives To understand what a vector image is
To understand how to create vector images using fireworks

3 Vector images Are made up of lines and curves.
When you make them bigger or smaller they don’t lose their quality They are not as detailed as bitmap images, but they take up less computer memory

4 Fireworks Introduction Draw a Vector Bike

5 Create New document & Find your picture…
Save your fireworks file and click on File New Go to and find a picture of a sideways facing bike.

6 Copy and paste the bike you found earlier into your Fireworks file
Copy the bike… Copy and paste the bike you found earlier into your Fireworks file

7 Select the pen tool and use the settings as below.

8 Ctrl Z pressed at the same time will undo the last step – TRY IT NOW.
Main Frame… Click on the centre of the rear wheel, move your mouse then click where you want the line to be drawn. Use this method to draw the main bike frame. Double click to complete the drawing. Ctrl Z pressed at the same time will undo the last step – TRY IT NOW.

9 Front Forks… Draw the front forks of your bike. The pen tool is really useful for drawing straight lines.

10 Draw another line from the saddle to the chain sprocket.
Saddle Stem Draw another line from the saddle to the chain sprocket.

11 Add the handlebars, again with only straight lines.

12 Wheels… Click on the ellipse tool. Hold shift and drag to draw a circle roughly the shape of your front wheel.

13 Finish the front wheel…
Change the size of your front wheel so that it fits nicely over your base picture. Remember to keep the width and height the same to keep it a circle. Then nudge it into position.

14 Copy and paste your front wheel and position it on the rear wheel

15 Chain Sprocket… Reduce the size of the pen tool and draw a smaller circle and nudge it into place on the chain sprocket.

16 Draw in the pedals and the pedal spindle.

17 Saddle… Zoom in and go to the saddle part of your bike. Use the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle over the top of your saddle.

18 Distort… Use the distort tool and drag the bottom left corner upwards to create a wedge shape.

19 SAVE your work then delete your internet picture…
Now that your bike is complete, you can delete your original picture. Find the original on the layers tab on the right and click the trash can to delete it.

20 Errors… If there are any errors or gaps between your lines, you can see them now. You can modify your bike now so that it looks complete. You’re done!

21 Make it Colourful… Select an item , click on the colour chooser and start changing some colours

22 Finished the bike? Add a background using the vector tools.
It could be A shop A skate park A road

23 Vectors/Bitmaps Google Maps is a good example of bitmap and vector images Satellite View – Bitmap Map view -

24 Task Go to google maps Type in your home post code
Alternate between the map and satellite view. What happens when you zoom in and out? Which one is clearer? Which one is more detailed?

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