Possessive Adjectives

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Adjectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives show who owns something. They come before the noun and agree with the noun (not the owner), e.g. sa soeur his/her sister. masc fem pl my mon ma mes your (tu) ton ta tes his/her son sa ses our notre nos your (vous) votre vos their leur leurs Ma – an exception to the rule: If a noun is feminine but begins with a vowel, for example amie, the masculine possessive adjective, mon, is used instead of the feminine, ma: Pupils to use the mini whitebaords, and to write the words down one at a time. The black out function of smartboard could be used with this exercise.

2 Possessive Adjectives
(my) ____ soeur (his) ____ frère (her) ____ demi- frère (our) ____ cousine (your (vous)) ____ mère (your (tu)) ____ père (my) ____ grand-père (her) ____ beau-père ma (his) ____ parents (my) ____ tante (our) ____ oncle (their) ____ demi-soeur (your (tu)) ____ cousin (my) ____ cousins (your (vous)) ____ belle-mère (their) ____ parents ses son ma son notre notre leur votre ton Pupils to use the mini whitebaords, and to write the words down one at a time. The black out function of smartboard could be used with this exercise. ton mes mon votre son leurs

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