Chapter 5. Code converter

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1 Chapter 5. Code converter
Dept. of Info. & Comm. Eng. Prof. Jongbok Lee

2 Code converter Usage : When exchanging information among systems which have different code systems, must convert codes Types BCD code Excess-3 code Gray code

3 1. BCD Code Alias : Binary Coded Decimal, 8421 code
Meaning : represent each decimal to four-digit Feature : weighted code(can be used for calculation) Example : 0~9 same as binaries 10 : 11 :

4 Decimal Binary BCD 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 10 1010 11 1011

5 2. Excess-3 code Meaning : add 3 to BCD code Feature :
Self-complement code Non-weighted code

6 Decimal Excess-3 0011 1 0100 2 0101 3 0110 4 0111 5 1000 6 1001 7 1010 8 1011 9 1100 10 11

7 entity bcd2excess3 is port ( bcd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); excess3 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end bcd2excess3; architecture behavioral of bcd2excess3 is begin excess3 <= “0011” when (bcd=“0000”) else “0100” when (bcd=“0001”) else “0101” when (bcd=“0010”) else “0110” when (bcd=“0011”) else “0111” when (bcd=“0100”) else “1000” when (bcd=“0101”) else “1001” when (bcd=“0110”) else “1010” when (bcd=“0111”) else “1011” when (bcd=“1000”) else “1100”; end behavioral;

8 entity bcd2excess3 is port ( bcd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); excess3 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end bcd2excess3; architecture behavioral of bcd2excess3 is begin process(bcd) case (bcd) is when “0000” => excess3 <= “0011”; when “0001” => excess3 <= “0100”; when “0010” => excess3 <= “0101” ; when “0011” => excess3 <= “0110” ; when “0100” => excess3 <= “0111” ; when “0101” => excess3 <= “1000” ; when “0110” => excess3 <= “1001” ; when “0111” => excess3 <= “1010” ; when “1000” => excess3 <= “1011”; when others => excess3 <= “1100”; end case; end process; end behavioral; % 실험 손을 떼면 1111 입력 : LED on-on-off-off 출력 1100 모두 누르면 0000입력 : LED off-off-on-on 출력 0011 양쪽 끝을 누르면 0110 입력 : LED on-off-off-on 출력 1001

9 #PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE
#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments NET "bcd<0>" LOC = "H4" ; NET "bcd<1>" LOC = "H3" ; NET "bcd<2>" LOC = "G4" ; NET "bcd<3>" LOC = "G3" ; NET "excess3<0>" LOC = "A12" ; NET "excess3<1>" LOC = "A14" ; NET "excess3<2>" LOC = "B14" ; NET "excess3<3>" LOC = "B13" ; #PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints #PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints #PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE P16 D9 C9 C12 B13 B14 A14 A12 G3 G4 H3 H4

10 signal pin (push) pin (DPS) cable connection bcd(0) JP4.0 CN3.22
excess(0) A12 JP6.0 CN1.17 excess(1) A14 JP6.1 CN1.18 excess(2) B14 JP6.2 CN1.19 excess(3) B13 JP6.3 CN1.20

11 3. Gray Code Meaning : For the adjacent digits, only 1 bit is different Feature Non-weighted code (cannot be used for calculation) minimum chage code

12 Decimal Gray 0 (0000) 0000 1 (0001) 0001 2 (0010) 0011 3 (0011) 0010 4 (0100) 0110 5 (0101) 0111 6 (0110) 0101 7 (0111) 0100 8 (1000) 1100 9 (1001) 1101 10 (1010) 1111 11 (1011) 1110 % 실험 (1) 모두 누르면 off-off-off-off (2) 누르고-누르고-누르고-떼면 off-off-off-on (3) 누르고-떼고-떼고-누르면 off-on-off-on

13 entity bin2gray is port (binary : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); gray : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end bin2gray; architecture behavioral of bin2gray is begin gray(3) <= binary(3); gray(2) <= binary(2) xor binary(3); gray(1) <= binary(1) xor binary(2); gray(0) <= binary(0) xor binary(1); end behavioral;

14 signal pin (push) pin (DPS) cable connection binary(0) JP4.0 CN3.22
gray(0) A12 JP6.0 CN1.17 gray(1) A14 JP6.1 CN1.18 gray(2) B14 JP6.2 CN1.19 gray(3) B13 JP6.3 CN1.20

15 entity gray2bin is port ( gray : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); binary : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end gray2bin; architecture Behavioral of gray2bin is signal tmp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin tmp(3) <= gray(3); tmp(2) <= gray(2) xor tmp(3); tmp(1) <= gray(1) xor tmp(2); tmp(0) <= gray(0) xor tmp(1); binary <= tmp; end Behavioral;

16 signal pin (push) pin (DPS) cable connection gray(0) JP4.0 CN3.22
binary(0) A12 JP6.0 CN1.17 binary(1) A14 JP6.1 CN1.18 binary(2) B14 JP6.2 CN1.19 binary(3) B13 JP6.3 CN1.20

17 entity pin_test is port ( input : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); led : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end pin_test; architecture behavioral of pin_test is begin led <= input; end test;

18 signal pin no. cable connection input(0) D7 JP4.0 CN3.22 input(1) C7
led(0) A12 JP6.0 CN1.17 led(1) A14 JP6.1 CN1.18 led(2) B14 JP6.2 CN1.19 led(3) B13 JP6.3 CN1.20 led(4) C12 JP6.4 CN1.21 led(5) C9 JP6.5 CN1.22 led(6) D9 JP6.6 CN1.23 led(7) P16 JP6.7 CN1.24

19 % The emulation hexa inputs for Design Pro Shop
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