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Immigration: The Story of America.

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1 Immigration: The Story of America

2 Immigration Historical Fiction
Historians generate history with documents. But documents don’t provide all of the information for the story. The following documents will be used in order to write historical fiction short stories about immigrants who came to the United States from Europe, Asia, and Mexico. As you view the documents, keep in mind the 5 W’s (Who, what, when, where, why) and how people came to America.

3 Story Number 1: Chin Shee
Angel Island immigration Station Story Number 1: Chin Shee Chinese 21 years old Came to San Francisco, California at Angel Island in 1911. Boarding Pass for Chin Shee Health Inspections at Angel Island

4 Chinese Immigrant work options:
Chinese Laundry General Store Ownership Mining and railroads Agriculture

5 Chinese Experience in America
Anti-Chinese feelings from other Americans. Find Housing. Learning a new language. Railroad working camp

6 Story Number 2: Peter A. Peterson
Chicago and Galena Railroad Station. Swedish Immigrated at age 4. Came to Rockford in 1852. Pioneer Steam Engine/train. Steamship

7 Swedish Immigrant Furniture Industry
Peterson is circled and is working for the Union Furniture Company in 1880.

8 Peterson’s home on E. State Street
Experience in America Peterson’s home on E. State Street 7th Street Swedish First Evangelical Church

9 Story Number 3: Leonora Marie Barry
Living conditions… Irish Came to America in her 40s. Started as a school teacher at age 15 to support family. Potato Famine, 1848

10 Immigrant Work Options
Domestic service Factory work Seamstress Cook

11 Stereotyping in cartoons
Experience in America Discrimination Crowded homes Motherhood Stereotyping in cartoons

12 Story Number 4: Cerso Mireles
Mexican 25 years old Brought to America by parents when really young. Crossing the border

13 Work Options Business owner ANYTHING! Agriculture Educators Factories

14 Experience in America Marching for rights Meeting new friends
Possible deportation Discrimination

15 Were you right? What Really Happened?
Chin See: Information on him after his paperwork from Angel Island is unknown. P.A. Peterson: Became one of the richest men in Rockford and helped start numerous non-furniture-making companies too. Leonore Barry: Fought as a labor leader for other factory workers, for the right to vote, and temperance. Cerso Mireles: Owns a computer shop in Arizona.

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