Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Is an element a mineral? Are minerals the same as rocks? Aren’t all minerals shiny like gemstones? Let’s get this stuff straight…

2 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite crystal structure (crystal lattice…8th grade chemistry) Rocks are made of minerals Minerals are not made of rocks

3 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
If you cannot answer “yes” to these five questions, then you do NOT have a mineral 1. Is it a solid? Minerals cannot be liquid/gas 2. Is it nonliving material? Minerals are inorganic; not made of living things 3. Does it have a crystal structure? Atoms, ions, or molecules arranged in definite, repeating pattern 4. Is it formed in nature? Man-made crystalline materials are not minerals 5. Does it have a definite chemical composition? Specific & constant number and arrangement of atoms

4 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Atoms & Compounds Elements are made of 1 type of atom; an atom is the smallest part of an element that has the properties of that element Compounds are made of 2 or more elements bonded together Example: NaCl-sodium chloride aka the mineral halite Native Element A mineral that is composed of only one element gold, silver, copper

5 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Crystals Solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by repeating patterns of atoms throughout the mineral Type of atoms determine the arrangement (electrons in outer shell)

6 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Two Groups of Minerals (based on chemical composition) 1. silicate minerals 2. nonsilicate minerals

7 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Silicate Minerals 90% of Earth’s crust Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O) combine with other elements See Figure 4 quartz feldspar mica

8 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Nonsilicate Minerals 10% of Earth’s crust SiO not present in compound See Figure 5

9 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Native elements (copper) Carbonates (contain C & O; calcite) Halides (F, Cl, Br, I with Na, K, or Ca; fluorite)

10 Section 1.1: What is a Mineral?
Oxides (Al or Fe with O; corundum) Sulfates (contain S & O; gypsum) Sulfides (S with Pb, Fe, or Ni; galena)


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