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End of Empire APWH: Ch39 Mr. Mims.

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Presentation on theme: "End of Empire APWH: Ch39 Mr. Mims."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of Empire APWH: Ch39 Mr. Mims

2 On January 30, 1948, who was assassinated by a Hindu extremist?

3 Who was Jawaharlal Nehru?

4 Ghandi and Nehru felt that _________ was dangerous because it emphasized religious over national identity.

5 Who called for the creation of Pakistan, and said “the only solution to India’s problem is Pakistan”?

6 In 1946, 6,000 Hindus and Muslims died in a confrontation known as…

7 War broke out in 1947 between Indian and Pakistan over what disputed area?

8 What was the Bandung Conference?

9 Ho Chi Minh was the leader of what country?

10 What was the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence modeled on?

11 Dienbienphu was a disastrous defeat that forced what country out of Vietnam?

12 Who was the first president of South Vietnam?

13 What US President ordered the bombing campaign against North Vietnam and sent troops to the South?

14 What European country served the mandate power in Palestine after WWI?

15 What was the Balfour Declaration of 1917?

16 What was the UN decision in regard to Palestine?

17 What Egyptian leader held the same international position as Nehru?

18 What crisis in 1956 left Nasser as a leading figure in the Arab world?

19 What country condemned the English and French attack on the Suez Canal that forced them to withdraw control?

20 What does “The Year of Africa” in 1960 refer to?

21 After a long and bloody conflict, what country gained independence from France in 1962?

22 The use of what was urged in the book, The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon?

23 Who was the African poet that wrote, “Dry Your Tears, Africa!”

24 Who was the leader of the first sub-Saharan African nation to become independent and the most important leader in Africa?

25 What uprising was an attempt to free Kenya from the British?

26 Jomo Kenyatta was the nationalist leader of what country?

27 What was The Great Leap Forward (that wasn’t so great)?

28 What Chinese leader opened China to foreign, capitalist values?

29 What Indian leader tried to control the population growth in India by ordering involuntary sterilization?

30 Who was the Egyptian leader who was behind the Yom Kippur attack on Israel and also the peace process with Israelis?

31 Who was the founder of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)?

32 Yasser Arafat and what Israeli leader signed peace treaties in 1993 and 1995 to advance the notion of limited Palestinian self-rule?

33 What is Islamism?

34 Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was overthrown by what person in Iran?

35 From 1980-1988, what two Arab states were at war?

36 What country had the institutional Revolutionary Party ruling for most of the 20th century?

37 Who was a nationalist militarist who was popular with the poor in Argentina?

38 The US backed Somoza family ruled what country for more than 40 years?

39 In 1948, what system was put into place by the Afrikaner National Party in South Africa?

40 Who was the leader of the African National Congress?

41 In 1960, what was the massacre known as where 69 blacks were slaughtered in South Africa?

42 What country supported the coup that led to Mobutu Sese Seko killing Zaire’s first prime minister?

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