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Fairy Tales Developed by Amy Thornton 4th Grade Dyer Elementary School

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1 Fairy Tales Developed by Amy Thornton 4th Grade Dyer Elementary School

2 FAIRY TALES A fairy tale is a story featuring characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, giants and talking animals.

3 FAIRY TALES Like folktales, fairy tales have an oral tradition and they usually take place “long ago.”

4 FAIRY TALES Some authors still like to retell (Yeh-Shen & The Stinky Cheese Man) and invent new fairy tales.

5 Elements of a FAIRY TALE
Special beginning and /or ending: Once upon a time…..They lived happily ever after. Good character & evil character Royalty or castle Magic happens Problem & solution Things often happen in “threes” or “sevens”

6 FAIRY TALES In a fairy tale….. a boy may become a bird
a princess may sleep for a hundred years a seal may become a girl a fish may become a spirit

7 FAIRY TALES In a fairy tale objects can be enchanted….. mirrors talk
pumpkins become carriages a lamp become a genie

8 FAIRY TALES People like fairy tales because:
truth prevails over deception generosity is ultimately rewarded hard work overcomes obstacles love, mercy & kindness are the greatest powers of all

9 FAIRY TALES Watch as this classic children's fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen comes to life! Show Fairy Tale (25 minutes)

10 Nightingale

11 Nightingale What is the setting of this story? What is a nightingale?
What gift does the emperor receive? Why is the nightingale banished from the court? Who is the nightingale’s best friend? What does the emperor learn in this story?

12 What makes Nightingale a fairy tale?
Began with: long ago Good vs. evil castle/ royalty magic problem/ solution

13 FAIRY TALES Check out some more great fairy tales at:

14 Your Turn Write a your own fairy tale.
Introduce setting , characters, and develop plot. Remember the plot features we discussed. beginning Good vs. evil royalty or castle magic problem & solution ending

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