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Evaluation of “data” grid tools

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1 Evaluation of “data” grid tools
Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova

2 Globus Data Grid INFN has been offered to evaluate Globus Data Grid Alpha Release 2 Two main tools/services GlobusFTP Reference implementation of the GRIDFTP protocol (data transfer protocol based on FTP, focused on high performance and reliability) Replica Catalog software

3 GlobusFTP ncftp client and wu-ftpd server patched to enable GSI authentication wu-ftpd server patched to add support for partial file transfer and parallel transfer globus_ftp_control library (routines for managing a GridFTP connection) GSI authentication full-file get, put, and transfer capabilities Support for parallel data channel Support for partial file transfer globus_ftp_client library Higher level client features on top of the globus_ftp_control_library globus_gass_copy library Allows data to be copied between a source and a destination using any combination of GridFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, local file I/O globus-url-copy tool Command line tool implementing globus_gass_copy’s functionalities

4 Globus replica catalog
globus_replica_catalog library Allows operations on a LDAP-based replica catalog (used to keep track of files within collections stored in multiple storage repositories) Command line tool implementing globus_replica_catalog’s functionalities

5 Documentation

6 Actions Definition of a group willing to evaluate these tools
The group will have to plan the activities ASAP !!! Coordinator of this group ??? Relationships with other WPs ??

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