Raising UNESCO’s visibility at country level

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Presentation on theme: "Raising UNESCO’s visibility at country level"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising UNESCO’s visibility at country level
First Interregional Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO, 22-24 July 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan

2 The Secretariat of the HU Nat Com
Unit of 3, Ministry of Human Resources SG = Head of Unit 1 programme officer for science + communication & information 1 programme officer for education + culture Administrative body of the Nat Com (biennial workplan based on C/5) Bilingual website ( Facebook page Quarterly bilingual newsletters Annual bilingual report Calendar, bookmark, posters

3 Education networks ASP schools (10 active in Hu)
UNESCO Chairs (4 active) UNESCO Clubs (non active)

4 Natural Heritage and Development
Inauguration of MAB plaque and L’Oreal award ceremony Media attention due to presence of ministers and celebrities Constantly working on new partnerships

5 Building peace via social dialogue
Interreligious dialogue, experts, common statement (Tihany, 2014) Summer university to experience natural& built heritage (Kőszeg) Promoting sport events for public attention (i.e. swimming contest on World Water Day)

6 Preserving Cultural Heritage
WHC plaques, ICH map and system of county experts, events Memory of the World Register elements traveling exhibition (DG visit in Hungary, 2011)

7 Intersectoral possibilities
Anniversaries (logo on related publications, plaques) Publications International years, days, decades International cooperation

8 Thank you for your attention! www.unesco.hu

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