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Round Table Brussels09. Partnership levels Round Table Brussels 09.

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Presentation on theme: "Round Table Brussels09. Partnership levels Round Table Brussels 09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Round Table Brussels09

2 Partnership levels Round Table Brussels 09

3 Agenda Why? How? BEST Services Partnership levels

4 Why? To meet the needs of the partners To offer different opportunities of cooperation to our partners To differentiate the involvement of our partners in the cooperation

5 How? Based on the partners needs Promotion in BEST Universities Recruitment of students interested in an international career Recruitment of BEST members Branding

6 BEST Services Live Meetings General Meetings Competitions Courses Career Events Recruitment Live meetings BEST Career Support Promotion Passive Active

7 Supporter A company willing to promote its image and values through BEST.

8 Supporter Invitation to recruitment events and BEST Partners Round Table 1 Career Newsletter Promotion Logo and profile on BEST website Logo on promotional materials News on public page Full access to our network Information about local activities of local BEST groups

9 Career Support Partner A company willing to promote its image, values and career offers to participants of BEST events.

10 Career Support Partner Supporter + Recruitment: Posting job offers and special programme Access to CV database 3 Career Newsletters

11 Corporate Partner Active contact with the organisation Sharing common values Being interested in its members and development of the association

12 Corporate Partner Career Support Partner + Live meetings with BEST members Participation in one General Meeting One other BEST working event Promotion: Article in Annual Report Logo and news on BEST intranet Unlimited Career Newsletters

13 Project Partner Short term partnership: 2 months 1 Career Newsletter Promotion: Special programme News item


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