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Passport to the prom. The Y11Prom is a privilege not a right

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1 Passport to the prom. The Y11Prom is a privilege not a right
Passport to the prom. The Y11Prom is a privilege not a right. You must earn your place. There are now just 43 school days until the GCSE exams start! You need to make the most of every single learning opportunity if you are going to achieve great things.

2 You have a Behaviour Contract in front on you
You have a Behaviour Contract in front on you. From today these are the targets that you have to meet to be eligible to attend the Y11prom. All pupils must sign the contract and earn their place at the Prom.

3 Targets Act as positive role models for younger students by modelling good behaviour and the correct uniform at all times. Have the correct attitude to learning and put 100% effort into lessons, homework and revision. All Controlled Assessment must be completed by deadlines set by teachers.

4 Targets YBC sessions are not optional and must be attended.
Be respectful to all members of staff at all times. Take responsibility and ownership of your own learning, progress and behaviour.

5 Targets Be respectful of school equipment, resources and facilities.
Put all litter in bins and leave spaces tidy. Punctuality and attendance at school is vital. Failure to adhere to these rules and/ or any serious incident in school will result in exclusion from the prom.

6 Targets. These targets are there to focus and motivate you to be the best that you can be and strive towards excellence in everything that you do. The vast majority of people in this room are already following these points. The vast majority of people in this room will be at the Y11 Leavers’ Do. Lets maintain our high standards and keep pushing forward. All staff in school believe in you and want the best for you.

7 What will happen if I fail to meet the terms in the contract?
Strike1- A meeting with me and a text will be sent home. Strike 2- A meeting with me, a member of SLT and a phone call home. Strike 3- your invitation to the Y11 Prom will be withdrawn and parents will be contacted.

8 What happens if I always meet the terms in the contract?
Every week I will ask staff for nominations of pupils who are going above and beyond in lessons, with homework / revision and YBC sessions. You will be entered into a draw to win a variety of prizes such as: money off your prom ticket, a drinks voucher for prom night or the big prize of your ticket being paid for in full.

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