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Classroom Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Rules

2 Wir sprechen Deutsch! Our classroom is a total immersion environment. You are encouraged to speak as much German as possible and as little English (or any other language) as necessary.

3 Wir sind eine Lerngemeinschaft
We are a learning community in which each student is equally important and where everyone has responsibilities: To make the learning experience enjoyable and successful To work together and interact with respect for each other and for individual differences

4 Coming to Class Be on time! More than 2 tardies: Loss of privileges


6 Classroom Materials Binder Folder Spiral notebook Composition book
Writing utensils (pen or pencil – black or blue only!) Utensil boxes (SHS only)

7 Student’s responsibility!
Binder Student’s responsibility! Completed individual three-week learning plans I can - statements Learning log Important resources

8 Folder Stays in the classroom Individual three-week learning plan
Work to be completed Completed work ready to be reviewed and graded

9 Spiral Notebook Student’s choice Writing assignments

10 Composition Book Student’s choice Vocabulary Concepts

11 Electronic Devices Electronic devices must be turned off and stored away before entering the classroom. The use of laptops, notebooks, iPhones, iPads etc. is permitted and encouraged at the teacher’s discretion.

12 Getting Ready for Instruction
Quietly walk into the classroom Get materials ready Be prepared for an initial oral activity Study the lesson’s objective and tasks: Vista dashboard Individual learning plan (Lernplan) in the folder Start working at an assignment or wait for the teacher’s directions

13 During Direct Instruction
Observe hand signs: 1. Teacher’s hand up: Look and listen! 2. Teacher’s hand dropped: Repeat!


15 Listen to each other Refrain from having side conversations Raise hand to make oral contributions


17 Respect materials: Open and close books quietly! Cover textbooks and keep them clean and neat! Quietly pass out or take materials Return all materials Pick up anything you dropped

18 Listen! Follow directions! Apply yourselves and do a little more than your best: 110!


20 Homework Homework assignments are part of the learning plan
The purpose of homework is to consistently practice skills Homework reinforces what was learned in class or prepares for the next class It is not an option! Homework counts for 10% of the grade

21 Homework Hall WAIS has created homework hall to help students meet the goal of completing all homework. Homework Hall is an open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:05-4:05 p.m. A late bus is provided that takes students to the elementary school closest to their home.

22 Tutorials Westchester Academy Before school
After school on Mondays or Tuesdays (A-Days only)! Stratford HS After school on B-Days

23 General Grading Rules Summative Assessments (2/3) 40%
Formative Assessments (6/9) % Class work/Participation (2/3) % Independent Study (2/3) %

24 Re-Testing Students may request to retake summative assessments / tests and quizzes they failed. They must re-test within three days of making the formal request. Before re-testing, they are required to attend a tutorial.


26 Using the Restrooms Always use the restroom before you come to class
No RR break the first 15 minutes of class! You need a pass!

27 After Instruction Gather and pack personal materials
Close utensil boxes Pick up paper or anything else under your desk Wait for the dismissal ritual: - „Tschüs! Bis .....“

28 Leaving the Classroom Quietly and directly leave the classroom
Take personal belongings with you Act respectfully and responsibly in the hallways

29 Consequences Verbal reminder Verbal warning Conduct mark Conference
Parent contact Detention Referral to a counselor Referral to an administrator


31 Rewards Verbal praise Privileges Parent contact

32 Have a successful and enjoyable year!

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