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Cell Structure & Organelles

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1 Cell Structure & Organelles
Chapter 7 section 2 Cell Structure & Organelles

2 Cell divided into 2 main sections
Cytoplasm & Nucleus Cytoplasm = area out side of the nucleus Contains most of the organelles

3 Nucleus = has its own nuclear membrane to separate it from cytoplasm Contains cell’s DNA – genetic instructions Acts as the control center for the cell DNA can be a thin string – chromatin DNA can be in condensed packages – chromosomes Nucleolus – dark region inside nucleus where ribosomes are formed

4 Ribosomes Found freely in cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum Reads RNA and makes proteins

5 Endoplasmic Reticulum
A large system of folded membranes Like a factory Smooth ER makes lipids for membranes Rough ER contains ribosomes for making proteins

6 Golgi Apparatus A system of membranes Acts like a mail center Packages and modifies materials from the ER for: 1) 1) transport out of cell 2) storage inside cell A golgi body is a package made by the golgi app.

7 Lysosomes Small, filled with enzymes Eliminate cell waste – digest excess material in cell Act like Janitors

8 Vacuoles Sac-like structures used for storage of material Act like storage closets Animals cells = many tiny vacuoles Plant cells also contain one large central vacuole for storing water

9 Mitchondria Site of cell respiration Release chemical energy for the cell by burning glucose Powerhouse of the cell 2 membranes – inner and outer Have their own set of DNA

10 chloroplasts Site of photosynthesis in plant cells Convert solar energy, CO2 and H2O into glucose Often appear green due to chlorophyll pigment Like mitochondria… Have 2 membranes Have their own set of DNA

11 Cytoskeleton Network of protein filaments that help a cell maintain shape or move 2 types Microfilaments – threadlike, made of actin protein help support the cell and aid in movement Microtubules – like pipes, made of tubulin, provide support and help move things inside of cell

12 Centrioles Made of tubulin Only found in animal cells during cell division Help move chromosomes during cell division

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