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The Great Debate.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Debate

2 The Roles… Opening Statement Presenter (1)
Statement/Rebuttal Presenters (3) Closing Statement Presenter (1)

3 Opening Statement Gather your primary arguments into an opening statement Succinct No nonsense “This is true because of A, B, and C” Create original and creative arguments Give your team an ADVANTAGE Everyone has read the book…use close reading, archetypes, and literary devices RESEARCH…use examples from other books, movies, history, etc. as evidence for your claim, make it relevant to your audience

4 Statement/Rebuttal One will be refuting the opening statement
Take notes Come up with “general” rebuttals…you know what character you’ll be debating against, use it to your advantage One will be refuting the other team’s rebuttal Take DETAILED notes, make sure to write down key phrases When acknowledging the other team’s argument…which you should (often), make sure to follow debate etiquette “My opponent stated…” DIRECT quotes and phrases from their argument will strengthen your own

5 Closing Statement Do NOT merely restate the opening statement
Must summarize entire argument Create an OUTLINE for your closing statement…take notes to fill in certain parts If you want to play on emotions…now would be the time

6 Rules and Regs… You may have notecards…but you may not read word for word off of them (even opening/closing statements) STRICT 2 minute time limit per person You may not talk unless you are at the podium, including audience members Will be a part of your grade… OBJECTIVE sentence starters, ACCOUNTABLE talk Debate language, posture, attitude, speech If you ever reference the book…be sure to reference the page, “In F451 on page…”

7 Agenda for today…meet in groups
Assign roles/order Opening Statement Statement 1/Rebuttal 1 Statement 2/Rebuttal 2 Statement 3/Rebuttal 3 Closing Statement Create Opening/Closing statements Incorporate research Create potential rebuttal situations REHEARSE, time your arguments

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