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Healthy Eating for the Holidays

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1 Healthy Eating for the Holidays
Did anyone go early bird shopping Black Friday shopping? Or go out Thanksgiving night? Was it cold outside? Would you have rather been home with your family? Then why did you go? There isn’t a consumer who wouldn’t like to get more bang for the buck during the holidays. Expenses from planning or attending get togethers, traveling, gift buying are added to our regular expenses. Healthy Eating for the Holidays Interns: Sarah Callison and Carrie Draney

2 Budget for a Home Mortgage payment Gas Electricity Water
Upkeep/Repairs Total Expenses: 1,600 sq. ft. home = $25,180 per year One of our biggest expenses is Parents=33,180. These costs add up quickly so we have to follow a budget to avoid overspending and going into debt.

3 Budget for a Diet Carbohydrates Protein Fat Fiber Vitamins Minerals
Enjoyment Similar to maintaining a home, our body needs certain components to run well every day. The average person needs: And just like in financial budgeting, added concerns during the holidays. Mom asked me what I would like her to make for the break: toffee, caramels, turtles, peanut brittle, etc. or whole list of Christmas candy. And we all know that just like when we are shopping, the dollars we spend add up quickly, we can use up a lot of calories on these foods. So we will offer some tips to help you manage your dietary budget.

4 Results of Good Budgeting
Healthy weight Chronic disease prevention Prevention of nutrient deficiencies Increased energy Good emotional health When we overspend financially, we go into debt and we have to deal with the negative consequences. If we overspend on our calories, we can gain weight and have to deal with the negative consequences of that. But the goods news is:

5 Calorie Balance Calories in = calories out
Likely a simple concept for this audience. But it helps explain why weight loss occurs. Calorie balance usually referred to as energy balance refers to the balance between or the amount of calories we take in and the amount of calories we expend or use during the day. Helps you set up your budget plan

6 Calorie Balance Calories in > calories out

7 Calorie Balance Calories in < calories out
Don’t spend more than you have. Eric? Strain over the holidays. Share some tips to help you prevent weight gain.

8 Slide Title Make Effective Presentations Using Awesome Backgrounds
Engage your Audience Capture Audience Attention Deals like these on Black Friday help us avoid going over our financial budget during the holidays. We are going to tell you about some nutritional deals that can help us stay within our nutritional budget during the holidays.

9 Nutrient Density A nutrient dense food has a high nutrient to calorie ratio. To do this, we will introduce the concept of nutrient density.

10 Nutrition Deals “Buy One Get Two Free” nutrients
Butternut squash vs. celery or cheesecake Whole wheat bread vs. white bread Nutrition deal: buy one get two free or eating foods that provide more than one nutrient that your body needs per serving-it's loaded with fiber, and it's a good source of potassium, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, iron and calcium. Other heavy hitters are clementines, sweet potatoes, cauliflower-Pro, fiber, potassium, B-Vitamins, Fruits vs other foods

11 Adding Fruits and Vegetables
Replace a meal with a chicken and vegetable stir-fry Add spinach to scrambled eggs or a smoothie Add fruit to hot or cold cereal Place fruit and a thin layer of PB or CC on a bagel Replace a dessert with fresh fruit Prepare fruit or vegetable snack the night before Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can be simple. Choose meals such as stir-fry or veggie pizza-thin crust with herbed cream cheese and veggie toppings. Adding fruit to existing meals can be easy too. These are just a few. What are some of your ideas for adding fruits and vegetables to your diet?

12 Adding Whole Grains Whole grain waffles with strawberries for breakfast Enjoy holiday oatmeal flavored with nutmeg, cinnamon, apples and cranberries For dinner, incorporate a whole wheat roll or substitute with brown rice Add oatmeal to a favorite cookie recipe

13 Nutrition Deals “1/2 off or reduced price” in calories
Low-fat dairy products Low-fat meat Low-fat desserts Smaller portion Substitute a different dessert

14 Healthy Baking Substitutes
Sugar Fat

15 Sugar vs. Applesauce 1 cup sugar 770 calories 1 cup applesauce
Adds moisture Creates a chewy texture Reduce sugar by ½ and add vanilla, nutmeg, or cinnamon

16 Butter vs. Avocado 1 cup Butter 1,627 calories Muffins Cakes Brownies
1 cup avocado 234 calories Mono & Polyunsaturated Muffins Cakes Brownies Frosting Creates a moist product

17 Other Butter Substitutes
1 cup butter vs. ½ cup greek yogurt 1 cup butter vs. ¾ cup olive oil 1 cup butter vs. ¾ cup pumpkin puree

18 Simple Changes to Managing Weight
Portion Sizes 31% of individuals are more likely to serve larger portions when given larger dinnerware. Served 57% more when they used a 3oz scoop vs. a smaller scoop Served 30% more liquid into shorter fat cups Smaller utensils and plates at less calories per day (4,000-6,000 calories/month)

19 Portion Sizes

20 Portion Sizes 3 ounces of Meat ½ Cup Pasta of Rice

21 Portion Sizes 1 medium potato 1 ounce of cheese
Keep your table setting and portion sizes in mind. 1 medium potato 1 ounce of cheese

22 Store Bought vs. Homemade

23 Enjoy the Holidays but don’t make your waist line suffer

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