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Enzymes: “Helper” P s1.

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Presentation on theme: "Enzymes: “Helper” P s1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzymes: “Helper” P s1

2 Flow of energy through life
Life is built on s2

3 Chemical reactions of life
Processes of life building molecules s breaking down molecules d + +

4 Nothing works without enzymes!
How important are enzymes? all chemical reactions in living organisms require enzymes to work building molecules S breaking down molecules D Enzymes - enzyme + enzyme We can’t live without enzymes! + s4

5 Examples s enzyme + d enzyme +

6 Enzymes are proteins Each enzyme is the s helper to a s reaction
each enzyme needs to be the r for the job enzymes are named for the reaction they help sucrase breaks down s proteases breakdown p lipases breakdown l DNA polymerase builds D Oh, I get it! They end in -ase s6

7 Enzymes aren’t used up Enzymes are by the reaction
used only temporarily R again for the same reaction with other molecules very little enzyme needed to help in many reactions enzyme substrate product active site

8 It’s shape that matters!
Lock & Key model S allows enzyme & substrate to fit S for each specific reaction

9 1 2 3

10 Enzyme vocabulary Enzyme Substrate Enzyme-substrate complex
H Substrate molecule that e Enzyme-substrate complex enzyme & m Active site part of enzyme that s

11 What affects enzyme action
Correct protein structure C why? enzyme has to be r Temperature pH (acids & bases)

12 More about Enzymes: What Affects Enzymes

13 What affects how well an enzyme works?
Correct protein structure correct order of amino acids why? enzyme has to be r Temperature pH

14 Enzyme concentration Effect on rates of enzyme activity
as increase amount of enzyme = increases how fast the reaction happens more enzymes = m

15 What’s happening here?! Enzyme c amount of enzyme reaction rate

16 Substrate concentration
Effect on rates of enzyme activity as increase amount of substrate = increases how fast the reaction happens more substrate = m

17 Substrate c reaction rate amount of substrate s17
What’s happening here?! Substrate c reaction rate amount of substrate s17

18 What’s happening here?! T 37° reaction rate temperature

19 Temperature Effect on rates of enzyme activity Optimum temperature G
human enzymes = 35°- 40°C (body temp = 37°C) Raise temperature D Lower temperature T° molecules move slower s19

20 pH s pepsin I trypsin reaction rate pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
What’s happening here?! pH s pepsin I trypsin reaction rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH

21 pH Effect on rates of enzyme activity pH c most human enzymes = pH 6-8
depends on where in body P (stomach) = pH 3 T (small intestines) = pH 8 s21

22 For enzymes… What matters?

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