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Agenda 1. Housekeeping (Turnitin)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 1. Housekeeping (Turnitin)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 1. Housekeeping (Turnitin)
2. SR: Part 2 – Argumentative Paragraph The Paragraph – Note Catcher Writing Refreshers Drafting Period

2 Turnitin Info. – 6th Period
Class Id: Password: muoio

3 Turnitin Info. – 9th Period
Class Id: Password: muoio

4 The Paragraph: Notes & Reminders
Purpose of a paragraph: “Ingredients” of a paragraph:

5 The Paragraph: Notes & Reminders
Argumentative Writing

6 Peer Review Read through your partner’s work and annotate your thoughts in the margins. Identify whether your partner has completed everything on the Paragraph Checklist Look for grammar issues (run-ons, pronoun agreement, etc.), awkward phrasing, omissions, etc. … Then, have a conversation with your partner, discussing (based on annotations & the checklist) what has been done successfully and what still needs to be included or addressed.

7 Editing Period Take this time to REVISE your paragraph.
Remember the following: Employ a strong topic sentence with a thesis statement Include parenthetical citations Transition between your sentences Focus on analysis rather than summary

8 Summer Reading – Part 2: Argumentative Paragraph
Homework Summer Reading – Part 2: Argumentative Paragraph *Upload your revised (12 pt. font, double spaced) paragraph to Turnitin by midnight tonight.

9 The Paragraph: Notes & Reminders
“Ingredients” of a paragraph:

10 The Paragraph: Notes & Reminders
Argumentative Writing

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