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Www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness The Writing and Research Workshop Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness The Writing and Research Workshop Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness The Writing and Research Workshop Series 9. Revising your Draft UCQ Learning Commons

2 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Phase 1: Understanding 1.Getting Started Phase 2: Planning 2.Selecting and Narrowing your Topic 3.Developing your Thesis 4.Searching Effectively 5.Choosing Appropriate Resources 6.Creating your Outline Phase 3: Writing 7.Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quoting 8.Citing your Sources in APA Style 9.Revising your Draft The Writing and Research Process

3 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness

4 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft Review earlier steps: Step 1: Make sure you are still on track and answering the assignment question. Step 3: Check your thesis statement. Is everything in your paper addressing your thesis? Step 6: Did you cover all the points you had in your outline? Step 7: Did you integrate your source material effectively? Step 8: Have you followed the requirements of APA style?

5 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Write your draft First: Follow your outline. Write to get the ideas down. Next: Make corrections. Read aloud or ask a peer for feedback. Draft Check Small Stuff Check Big Stuff Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft

6 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Check the small stuff Check your sentence-level issues, such as grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Check your paragraph-level issues. Make sure that each paragraph is complete and covers only one idea. Draft Check Small Stuff Check Big Stuff Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft

7 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Check the big stuff Check the transitions between paragraphs and the logic of your argumentation. Compare the introduction and the conclusion to ensure that they both address the same points in the same way. Check your citations to ensure that they are in proper format. Ensure that there is an in- text citation after every piece of information you use. Check the format – margins, font size, headings, title page, etc. Draft Check Small Stuff Check Big Stuff Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft

8 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft The introduction and conclusion The introduction should: 1.Clearly indicate your point (No problem making your thesis the first sentence) 2.Lay out the structure of the paper (First, second, third – in order that they will appear in the paper) 3.Be specific – NEVER start with over-general statements

9 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft The introduction and conclusion The conclusion should: 1.Clearly restate your thesis 2.Recap the structure of the paper (First, second, third – in order that they appeared in the paper) 3.Resemble your introduction – recover what you said you would do 4.Emphasize how you proved your thesis TIP: Reread ONLY your introduction and conclusion to make sure they cover the same points.

10 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness Phase 3: Writing 9. Revising your Draft Identify one area where you usually lose marks. What can you do to improve?

11 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness UCQ Learning Commons Writing Support Come to the Writing Centre at any stage of the writing process for help and advice. In the Learning Commons, or contact Martin at

12 www.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellnesswww.qatar.ucalgary.caEnriching Qatar Health and Wellness UCQ Learning Commons Research Support Come to the Learning Commons for help and advice with your research. Go to the the Learning Commons desk, or contact Chris at, or Keltie at

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