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Chemical & Electrical Coordination Systems The Nervous System…….

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical & Electrical Coordination Systems The Nervous System……."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical & Electrical Coordination Systems The Nervous System…….

2 Evolution of the Nervous System

3 From brain Stem to Cerebrum

4 What is the function of the nervous system?
To receive information from a sensory neuron To process info. by the brain & spinal cord To respond by an effectors (muscle/gland)

5 Acupuncture:Stimulation of nerve centers

6 Alternative views

7 The basic unit of the nervous system = neuron?
Dendrites receive stimuli Nerve cell body @ nucleus transmits the stimuli Axon transmits the impulse to another dendrite

8 Axon ending: terminal bud
Transfers the electrical nerve impulse By chemical neuron-transmitters From one neuron to the next

9 Two connecting neurons:

10 Sensory neurons or “receptors” receive a stimulus from:
eyes - sight ears - hearing nose - smell skin - touch mouth - taste

11 2b. The Central Nervous System:
1) Spinal Cord 2) Brain medulla for breathing cerebellum for balance cerebrum for higher thinking bw

12 Effectors that do actions are the
Muscles = voluntary use the somatic system involuntary use autonomic system Glands = endocrine organs that make hormone messengers

13 Cerebral Cortex= higher thinking

14 The real thing

15 Parts of the Cerebrum

16 Cerebellum & “old brain” controls basic body functions

17 Right versus left Cerebrum

18 Infrared Tools to Study the brain . . . .

19 Schizophrenia & a normal brain scan

20 Any blow to the head does brain damage Example of amnesia & processing skills

21 What is a synapse ? Junction of two neurons
Neurotransmitters convert the electrical impulse into a chemical message

22 The 2 types of nervous responses?
a. Voluntary that use the brain & spinal cord b. Involuntary or Autonomic System Sympathetic Parasympathetic

23 The involuntary system: Autonomic basic body functions & reflex arcs

24 The Autonomic Nervous System

25 The Autonomic Nervous System...
Automatic Two parts: parasympathetic & sympathetic Which is “fight or flight response” ? Which is ordinary involuntary body functions ?

26 Involuntary Reflex Arcs . . . .
Use only spinal cord Do not go to the brain Follow the R-SIM pathway Examples: knee jerk, eye blink, hot stove pull back

27 R-SIM Reflex arc pathway . . .
receptor neuron receives the stimuli S sensory neuron passes the impulse on I interneuron at the spinal cord processes M motor neuron acts

28 Is Pain part of the Reflex Arc ???

29 The five types of receptors
Are highly specialized Receive only one type of stimuli Can be “overloaded” when over stimulated


31 Sensory Laboratory. . . . . . . . . PURPOSE:
Map the distance between touch receptors Measure the extent of peripheral vision Determine the effects of cone saturation Map the taste receptors Measure reflex timing


33 Map of Taste Receptors . . . . B w

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