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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 A Christian Response to Halloween Selected Scriptures

3 Halloween in the United States
Halloween used to be a safe Autumn festival - in which kids got a lot of sweets Forty years ago there were increasing warnings of danger in spiked candy Twenty-five years ago there were serious discussions about sinister elements in Halloween

4 Halloween in the United States
$5 billion is spent annually. Second only to Christmas for home displays Fear keeps many from neighborhood trick-or-treating - and homemade treats are not acceptable Occultic practices in entertainment continues to increase - but those practices are real.

5 Historical Background of Halloween
Its origin traces to the Celts and the practices of the Druid priestly class Samhain, the god of the dead, was celebrated on the night of October 31 and their New Year’s day of November 1

6 Historical Background of Halloween
The Druids believed the veil between the living and the dead was thin then and the dead could return Trick or treat is related to leaving food out to appease the dead Costumes were worn to fool them

7 Historical Background of Halloween
Druid practice also included gruesome animal and human sacrifices "They believe that human life must be rendered for human life if the divinity of the immortal gods is to be appeased.” - Caesar

8 Historical Background of Halloween
Rome conquered the Celts and mixed their practices in with their own. The Roman Catholic Church replaced the pagan practice with remembering the saints - November 1

9 Historical Background of Halloween
All Saints Day = All Hallows Day. All Hallows Eve = Halloween The result was a hybrid of paganism and Christian ritual Halloween practices came to the U.S. with immigrants, especially those with Druid history

10 Historical Background of Halloween
Through the early 1900's, Halloween was a more serious affair - including “Mischief night” Halloween was commercialized in the 1950's-1960's. It is has been returning to its roots

11 Biblical Principles in Responding to Cultural Holidays
The First Principle - warnings about occultic practices - Deuteronomy 18:9-14 The occultic is presented as fun, games and entertaining, but it is still demonic and dangerous

12 Biblical Principles in Responding to Cultural Holidays
The Second Principle - true Christianity results in a change of character in the individual 2 Corinthians 5:17 Acts 26:17-18 Acts 19:18-19

13 Biblical Principles in Responding to Cultural Holidays
Occultic / demonic involvement is contrary to Christian character – The Beatitudes- Matthew 5:3-12 We should demonstrate the fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23

14 Biblical Principles in Responding to Cultural Holidays
Christian character is developed by: Obedience to God, Being a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) Resisting the world (Romans 12:2)

15 Biblical Principles in Responding to Cultural Holidays
Philippians 4:8 - We are to think on what is: True Honorable Right Pure Lovely Good Repute Excellent Worthy of praise

16 Practical Suggestions on Halloween Activities
Non-participation. You could ignore the holiday. Those with convictions against it cannot participate – Romans 14:23

17 Practical Suggestions on Halloween Activities
Alternative Celebrations: Fall harvest festival, Biblical character costume party

18 Alternative Celebrations:
Reformation Day – commemorate Martin Luther’s posting the Ninety-five Theses on October 31, 1517 The recovery of the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ alone by God’s grace alone through justification by faith alone

19 Practical Suggestions Principles of Godly involvement
What do the Scriptures say directly about the issue? Is the activity compatible with Biblical morality? Are you being conformed to the world or Christ?

20 Practical Suggestions Principles of Godly involvement
Does the activity promote holiness or evil? Does it cause you to think about the virtues listed in Philippians 4:8? Would Jesus do that activity?

21 How can I use this cultural practice to promote the gospel?
Dress as a Biblical character or godly Christian historic figure as a springboard to witnessing Hand out tracts with the candy to trick- or-treaters Reverse Trick or Treat - Give gifts & tracts to your neighbors

22 Conclusions A Christian’s lifestyle is to be different from the non-Christian, but use every opportunity to spread the gospel

23 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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