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The Devil’s Arithmetic

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1 The Devil’s Arithmetic
Bellwork 1

2 Monday, February 6th Write out the definitions of the words from The Devil’s Arithmetic. 1. compression- the act of being pressed together 2. distorted- misrepresented 3. compensation- rewarding someone for service 4. mesmerized- hypnotized 5. conspire- to formulate an unlawful plan in secret

3 Tuesday, February 7th Write out the definitions of the words from The Devil’s Arithmetic. 6. vigor- (noun)strength or force 7. timidly- (adverb)lacking in self-assurance or courage. Easily alarmed. 8. Kosher- (noun/adjective) permitted by Jewish law. 9. Passover-(noun) annual Jewish feast celebrating the liberation of Jews from slavery in Egypt 10. modifier- describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about a concept. (Ex: Drooling in anticipation of the treat, Gizmo waited for Sylvia to reward him with a dog cookie.

4 Modifiers Drooling in anticipation of the treat, Gizmo waited for Sylvia to reward him with a dog cookie. Alex was standing by the vending machine wearing sunglasses.

5 Wednesday, February 8th Write out the sentence and underline the vocabulary words. Then, circle the modifiers of the subject in the sentences. 1. Glaringly angrily, Sarah accused Tom of distorting her words. 2. Mesmerized by the dancers, Roberto walked into a wall. 3. Preparing for Passover, Judith purchased Kosher foods to serve in the meal for her family.

6 Thursday, February 9th 1. Draw a picture of the word compression.
2. Use the word compression in a sentence. 3. Draw a picture of the word compensation. 4. Use the word compensation in a sentence.

7 Friday, February 10th Write out the sentence and insert the vocabulary words. 1. Ron opened the jar of Kosher food with __________, using strength that his timid cousin did not possess. 2. After her car was rear-ended, the woman’s insurance company sought _____________ from the other driver. 3. We would like to know what the furtive spies___________________ to do.

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