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John Loves Mary and vice versa. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC:

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Presentation on theme: "John Loves Mary and vice versa. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC:"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Loves Mary and vice versa. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC:
Autoclitic Examples John Loves Mary and vice versa. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Mand-like Autoclitic Controlling Variables Primary VB A B C John Loves Mary NV Stimulus Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for Autoclitic-MAND A B C vice versa MO To react to relationship L Effectiveness

2 Autoclitic Tact-Like A B C vice versa NV-S informational L effectiveness 2. I think its green. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: tact like Controlling Variables for Primary A B C green NV-S Color Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the Autoclitic I think its NV-S Informs L of Weakness of R (green) L Effectivness

3 3. It is not raining. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Qualifying- Mand-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C raining NV-S Rain Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C not MO- Request L to not treat as pure tact L Effectiveness

4 4. I see the apple. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Qualifying- Descriptive- tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C Apple NV-S Apple Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C see NV-S Informs L - R apple is result of visual stimulation L Effectiveness

5 The apple is red TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC:

6 5. I want the apple. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Descriptive- tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C Apple NV-S Apple Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C want NV-SI Informs L- R to MO L Effectiveness

7 6. . I stopped the car. . TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C stop NV-S R to action Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C ed NV-Informs L responding to past L Effectiveness

8 7. Pass the salt, if you don’t mind
7. Pass the salt, if you don’t mind. . TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Mand like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C Pass the Salt MO Specific Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C If you don’’t mind MO for L to only act if convenient L Effectiveness

9 8. I smell a rat. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C Rat NV-S Person has properties of rat Social Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C I smell a NV-S Informs L R rat was metophorically smelled L Effectiveness

10 9. I want two cookies. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: mand like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C cookie MO (Cookie) Specific Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C s MO for more than 1 L Effectiveness

11 10. That reminds me you were late
10. That reminds me you were late. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: Qualifying- tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C late NV-S (not on time) Specific Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C That reminds me NV-S R to unrelated stimulus L Effectiveness

12 11. It looks like a chair. TYPE OF AUTOCLITIC: tact-like Controlling Variables for the Primary A B C chair NV-S (chair) Specific Sr+ Controlling Variables for the autoclitic A B C like NV-S R to chair as a metaphor L Effectiveness

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