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Overview for the September Test Coordinator Meetings

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1 Overview for the September 15-19 Test Coordinator Meetings
Local Assessment: Overview for the September 15-19 Test Coordinator Meetings

2 First Semester ACPs Elementary Grades 3 Reading, Math
Grades 4 Reading, LA, Math Grades 5 Reading, Math, Science Grades K-2 Reading and Math Red indicates no Second Semester test.

3 Semester ACPs Middle School
RLA 6, RLA 6 Pre-AP, Math 6, Math 6 Pre-AP, Science 6, Science 6 Pre-AP, World Cultures 6 (a.k.a. Social Studies 6), World Cultures 6 Pre-AP (a.k.a. Social Studies 6 Pre-AP), RLA 6 ESL Beginner, RLA 6 ESL Intermediate RLA 7, RLA 7 Pre-AP, Math 7, Math 7 Pre-AP, Science 7, Science 7 Pre-AP, Texas Studies 7, Texas Studies 7 Pre-AP, RLA 7 ESL Beginner, RLA 7 ESL Intermediate RLA 8, RLA 8 Pre-AP, English I, Math 8, Algebra I Pre-AP, Science 8, Physics 8, Astronomy 8, US Studies 8, US Studies 8 Pre-AP, RLA 8 ESL Beginner, RLA 8 ESL Intermediate Technology Applications, Health Education 6, 7 and 8 Spanish, French, Art I Foundations, PE 6, PE 7&8, MS Band Red indicates no Second Semester test.

4 Semester ACPs High School
Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra II Pre-AP, Geometry, Geometry Pre-AP, Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus Pre-AP, Math Models English I, English I Pre-AP, English II, English II Pre-AP, English III, English IV ESOL English I Beginner, ESOL English I Intermediate, ESOL English II Intermediate Biology, Biology Pre-AP, Chemistry, Chemistry Pre-AP, Physics, Physics Pre-AP, Environmental Systems, IPC, Astronomy W. Geography, W. Geography Pre-AP, W. History, W. History Pre-AP, US History, Government, Economics French I, French II, Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish for Heritage Speakers-Fundamentals HS Health, Studio Art I, HS Band Red indicates no Second Semester test.

5 Second Semester ACPs eliminated
Elementary All Second Semester ACPs eliminated. Middle School Grades 6-8 Reading Language Arts Grades 6-8 Math, Algebra I Pre-AP Grade 7 Science Pre-AP and Grade 8 Science US Studies 8 and US Studies 8 Pre-AP High School Algebra I, English I, English I Pre-AP, English II, English II Pre-AP, Biology, Biology Pre-AP, US History, English I ESOL Beginner, English I ESOL Intermediate, English II ESOL Intermediate

6 Specials Testing 2017-2018 Standard ACPs only. No Performance
Elementary: None Middle: MS Art 1 Foundations, Band, PE. High: Band, Studio Art I Standard ACPs only. No Performance

7 2017-2018 ACPs in Color 2017-2018 ACPs -- (Fall Semester)—Elementary
Math Reading LA Science Social Studies PE Art Music Kindergarten combined Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Reading only Grade 4 separate Grade 5 All Elementary have a Spanish version ACPs-- (Fall and Spring Semesters) -- Middle School Algebra I Language Arts ESL Band World Lang. Health Tech App Grade 6 Regular Sem 1 only Pre-AP Grade 7 Grade 8 Phys/Astronomy ESL tests have two levels: Beginner and Intermediate PE, Art and Band are only standard tests, no performance components Science 8 will have no Pre-AP test, but will have a Physics and an Astronomy ACP PE 7&8 will have one test for both grade levels For ART, Band, World Languages and Technology, tests are course-specific, not grade-specific.

8 ACPs in Color ACPs -- (Fall and Spring Semesters)--High School Regular Pre-AP AP Math Algebra I Sem 1 only Geometry Algebra II Pre-Calculus Math Models English English I English II English III English IV Science Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Systems IPC Astronomy Social Studies World Geography World History US History Government Economics ESL English I for ESL - Beg English I for ESL- Int English II for ESL - Int Tech Health HS Health Visual and Studio Art I Performing Arts HS Band World Languages French I French II Spanish I Spanish II Spanish for Heritage Spkrs

9 Local Assessment Testing Schedule
Preliminary testing schedule: Fall ACP Elementary December 18–21 Secondary December 18–21 Spring ACP Secondary May 29–June 1

10 Overage MS ACP Testing Nine-week Cycles Limited Testing Subjects
Will follow same rules as Fast-Track testing and Patton/Lassiter quarterly testing.

11 Common Assessments 2017-2018 Central District-wide Six-weeks Tests
Available for Six Weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5. Will cover STAAR-tested courses only. Local Assessment in collaboration with Teaching and Learning will provide: Blueprints Tests Answer Keys Materials will be available on TEKS Resource System and the Assessment Website. Schools will use All-in-Learning plain paper answer sheets and scan it into the system. (No centralized scanning. Answer keys will uploaded into All-in-Learning the Wednesday before testing begins.)

12 Common Assessments 2017-2018 Data will not be on MyData Portal.
Intended to be a tool for the teacher to use to gauge student strengths and weaknesses and enact change. Each six weeks the assessment will get longer to help build stamina for the STAAR tests. Suggested maximum time will be provided for each of the tests.

13 Common Assessments *Courses and Subjects with early STAAR testing (Writing, Grades 5,8 Reading and Math) will not take a SW5 Common Assessment. Schools will scheduled the order of the tests taken within the window to suit their needs. Deliverable Date Posted on the Local Assessment and TRS websites Common Assessment Administration Date 1st Six Weeks August 18, 2017 September 25–29, 2017 2nd Six Weeks September 22, 2017 October 30–November 3, 2017 4th Six Weeks January 12, 2018 February 12–16, 2018 5th Six Weeks* February 23, 2018 April 9–13, 2018

14 ACP Example Items Local Assessment will produce a set of Example Items for every ACP. Example Items will be available in the early part of each semester on the Assessment Website under the Teacher and Test Coordinator login. Represents the types of items that students will see on the exam.

15 ACP Vertical Overviews
found on ACP Vertical Overviews Assessment Overview: Mathematics Items # of Choices ACP Sem 1 Sem 2 Kindergarten Mathematics 15 N/A 3 Grade 1 Mathematics 21 Grade 2 Mathematics 4 Grade 3 Mathematics 22 Grade 4 Mathematics Grade 5 Mathematics Mathematics 6 23 Mathematics 6 Pre-AP Mathematics 7 24 Mathematics 7 Pre-AP 26 Mathematics 8 Algebra I Pre-AP 28 Algebra I Algebra II Algebra II Pre-AP Geometry Geometry Pre-AP Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Mathematical Models

16 ACP Correlations with the STAAR
found on ACP Correlations with the STAAR

17 ACP Correlations with the STAAR
found on ACP Correlations with the STAAR

18 ACP Correlations with the STAAR
found on ACP Correlations with the STAAR

19 ACP Calibration with STAAR
Fall 2016 Grade 5 Math ACP Scores and Percentage Achieving Approaches Standard, Meets Standard, and Masters Standard on the Spring Grade 5 Math STAAR 2017 ACP Scale Score 2017 STAAR Performance Total Approaches Meets Masters N % <60 534 26.9 51 2.6 3 0.2 1987 60-69 1316 63.0 271 13.0 25 1.2 2088 70-79 3255 90.8 1520 42.4 349 9.7 3584 80-89 2465 99.0 1974 79.3 974 39.1 2490 90-100 1178 99.9 1133 96.1 923 78.3 1179 Note. First administration of STAAR only.

20 Assessment Website Vertical Overviews
Common Assessment Material ACP and STAAR Correlations ACP Calibrations with STAAR ACP Blueprints Assessment news and information

21 Local Assessment Contacts
Main Number – Main – Kiesha Pearson Celina Jimenez Coordinator Coordinator Aaron Ware Rina Davis Director Assessment Specialist III

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