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Presentation on theme: "JAPANESE FASHION 日本 の ファシオン MODERN VS. TRADITIONAL"— Presentation transcript:

BY:ジェシカ と ケントン

2 Traditional Fashion Kimono means ‘thing to wear’ in Japanese, a national dress and a symbol of Japan for both men and women. They are a T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn with attached collars and long wide sleeves Secured by a sash called a obi which is tied at the back.

3 Wedding Kimonos Japanese Wedding Kimono (うちかけ)
Modern wedding kimonos begin at about $12,000 and go up from there, with most of $25,000 to $35,000. The last time a woman wears long sleeves is at her wedding. From then on she only wears short sleeves to show that she is married. The bride wears a white kimono with a white hat and changes up to 5 times during her wedding.

4 Mourning Kimonos(もふく)
This type of kimono is also worn as Mofuku, which is mourning kimono. It is worn during the earliest stages of mourning, with a black obi and all black accessories. It gradually reduces the amount of the black in the outfit as one progresses through the stages of mourning.

5 Casual Kimonos(いろむじ) It is a type of kimono that’s in between formal and casual. Women wear these around town when doing everyday activities. Usually worn as ones first adult kimono It’s a plain color other than black, with little or no pattern at all.

6 Men’s Kimonos Men's kimono sleeves are attached to the body of the kimono unlike women's. The most common colors are dark colors; black, dark blues, greens, and browns They are usually very simple.

7 Street Fashion Japan have started do dress “western”.
They also customize outfits by adopting a mixture of current and traditional trends. Such clothes are generally home-made with the use of materials purchased at stores. Which they now call street fashion.

8 Lolita Lolita has become one of the larger, more recognizable styles in Japanese street fashion, now gaining interest worldwide. Punk, Gothic, sweet, and classic are all different types of “ lolita” fashion.

9 Modern Fashion Fashion in Japan has changed a lot in the past decade. Many Japanese youth and even adults have started dressing “western style”, taking after many various styles in North America but adding their own unique and traditional touch.

10 Modern Fashion Japan is known for having some of the most interesting styles of fashion. The extremity varies from dying hair different colours to changing the way one’s appearance is, completely using makeup and clothing. One of these styles is called Ganguro. Teenagers wear heavy tan makeup, bleach their hair, and put white makeup around their eyes to stand out.

11 Modern Fashion Not everyone in Japan dresses to this extreme though. Only youth are usually seen dressed like this. Most Japanese people dress just like you and I would in our everyday clothes, but there are a lot more people who take fashion as a serious and important part of life.

12 School Uniforms(せいふく)
In Japan schools regularly have a uniform for their students. Most uniforms have a 19th century naval inspiration behind them. Boys with usually wear military styled uniforms while girls will wear sailor styled outfits.

13 Summer Uniforms Most schools will have different uniforms for summer months and others for winter months. Summer uniforms usually consist of more white and lighter colours and also are made of lighter weight materials.

14 Winter Uniforms In the winter school uniforms will change to much darker colours still resembling the navy and military style. Colours include dark blues and blacks with much heavier clothing because it is colder. They also have more accessories such as jackets and hats.

15 Japanese Fashion Kenton O’Donnell Jessica Hart


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