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Presentation on theme: "Equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equipment

2 Processes which can be carried out with electrical equipment
Weighing - Mixing - Chopping - Slicing - Kneading - Whisking - Liquidising - Beating - Freezing - What precautions should workers take when using electrical equipment?

3 Why do manufacturers use large scale equipment in food production?
To produce consistently high quality products To produce large numbers of high quality products What are the following used for in Large scale food production? Tunnel Ovens Depositors Floor standing Mixer Enrober

4 What task do the following carry out?
Equipment What can they do? Electronic scales Food processors Mixers Liquidisers and Hand Blenders Bread makers and Ice cream Makers

5 What are the advantages of using the pieces of equipment shown below when cooking food?
A Clue

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