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The Revolution Begins.

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1 The Revolution Begins

2 Paul Revere’s Ride Because of the growing tension, Paul Revere and his minutemen were always alert to potential danger In February of 1775 British general Thomas Gage decided to take the colonists’ weapons and gun powder in Concord “The British are coming!”

3 Lexington At Lexington, after Revere rode through, the milita was assembled They were not to fire unless fired upon but they had to stand in the way of the British taking their weapons No one knows who fired the first shot but at the end, 8 militia men were dead “The shot heard round the world”

4 Concord At Concord, the British didn’t find much because women had hidden the weapons and ammunition On their way back to Boston, colonists from all over had assembled in the surrounding woods 90 British soldiers were killed on the way back to Boston

5 Captain Crunch Tax Collecting Questions
How did you feel knowing when the king read off a tax card that applied to you? How did you feel when you saw where all of your captain crunch was going in the end? How is this similar to what the colonists went through leading up to the Revolutionary War?

6 No going back… Patrick Henry argued before Virginia’s government that the war had begun and there was no way to go back He got his colony to create their own militia Boston is where it all began…but the revolution is spreading!

7 Unity is still a key ingredient
The Southern colonies are a little more monarchical with their slave system and less likely to want a break with England They like their agricultural trading relationship They are also newer colonies and their ties to the British are closer

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