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SoftLab 4.5 Overview Archie Dennis.

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Presentation on theme: "SoftLab 4.5 Overview Archie Dennis."— Presentation transcript:

1 SoftLab 4.5 Overview Archie Dennis

2 Objectives The purpose of this presentation is to help familiarize you with the newest functionality and features of 4.5 release.

3 SoftLab 4.5

4 New Icon Look

5 Order Entry

6 Order Entry

7 Order Entry – Dr. Per Test

8 Order Entry – Dr. Per Test
Instant Reports: a. Pick a printer, then the report with all test will display. B. Pick a Doctor and NO print complete, then just his ordered test will print. C. Pick a Doctor and print complete checked, then all test from the order will print and the report will say “more than 1 Doctor on the order.

9 Order Entry - Specimens Tab
Draw type selectable by specimen or by default settings in Specimen Setup, or by new RBS rule “Draw Type” Tracking history now in a button AND THE BIGGEST THING…. Unique bar code per specimen, no more extensions

10 Resulting Worklist

11 Resulting Worklist – Batch Results
Result multiple test, comments on one order Different than Batch Resulting Worklist: One test, comments over multiple orders Batch Result, different from Batch Resulting Worklist. Batch Result: Result multiple different tests in one order Batch Resulting Worklist: Result a single test over multiple orders

12 Comments No shortcut keys for OK; no tab order
Tags now stored in non-discrete form 12

13 Call List Moved to commons Much more customizable user window
Accessible as a completely different module

14 Call List

15 Call List Order, and test levels easier to define and mark to be called Patient Report viewable in Call List

16 Reference Lab Lots of setup changes

17 Reference Lab

18 Reference Lab Brings directly to Tasklist, RefLab specific Tasklist


20 Reports Everything softrrports

21 Reports - SQL SQL Reports now web based using SoftReports

22 HELP! Web based, electronic version of user manual

23 HELP! Web based, electronic version of user manual

24 Setup Files Many files moved to commons for better integration between products. Expanded Multisite functionality. Replacement of many hosparams and message files with “Settings and Definitions”

25 Settings and Definitions
Settings are typically hosparam style settings Definitions are typically replacing message files (defining drop down menus, file masks, etc.)

26 Location SITE: If multiple sites are defined for your facility, choose a site from the list. The location will belong to the site. PERFORMING LAB ID: Enter the lab ID where the tests will be performed. This information is displayed with results that are entered manually for reference labs. This field allows for a more descriptive ID to be listed than the four-character primary ID field. Allows up to 20 characters

27 Department Click the drop down arrow to select which SCC Soft Computer application will be performing the testing for this department/section/sub-section. ID code of the medical director assigned to this department/section/subsection. This field queries the Doctor Setup file, so the medical director must be defined in the Doctor file.

28 Workstations Roche Automation with barcode pattern: If selected, displays a corresponding field with the system generated barcode prefix. Selection of this check box will disable the Add Client Prefix and Only Numeric Barcode fields.

29 Dynamic barcodes

30 Doctor File – General Tab

31 Doctor File – Contact Tab

32 Doctor File – Printers and Reports Tab

33 Wards/Clinics – General Tab

34 Wards/Clinics – Printer and Reports Tab

35 Containers

36 Test Setup

37 Specimen tab

38 Specimen tab Available specimen types are defined in the Settings/Definitions setup file.

39 Specimen tab

40 Specimen Handling

41 Specimen Handling Reference Lab manifests can be automatically split into separate manifests for container temperatures.

42 Multisite

43 Ordering Location/ Collection Center
Multisite – OLCC Ordering Location/ Collection Center Replaces Depot 11 character ID Time zones set per OLCC instead of by Region Can choose to override Ward setting of OLCC

44 Multisite – Label Printing Setup
Replaces label printing functionality in OEHIS Translation Table No more weird syntax

45 Specimen Tracking

46 Specimen Tracking Setup mostly unchanged
Unique bar codes allows EVERY specimen to be tracked individually with no issues. Expanded AutoTracking statuses for automation Autotracking Stops can be hidden from terminals.

47 Interface Setup Actually under “Setup” now

48 Interface Setup - Instruments
Lots of new tabs to replace iParams, all pipe rules, and to determine how to build the loadlist.

49 Interface Setup - HIS Too complicated to get into detail here
LOTS of new functionality (MoM) Customizable configurations (ESB/non-ESB)

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