“Life Without Limits, No Arms, No Limbs, No Worries” - Nick Vujicic

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Presentation on theme: "“Life Without Limits, No Arms, No Limbs, No Worries” - Nick Vujicic"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Life Without Limits, No Arms, No Limbs, No Worries” - Nick Vujicic
BE ALL GOD INTENDED! Joshua 14:1-15 “Life Without Limits, No Arms, No Limbs, No Worries” - Nick Vujicic

2 Allotments by Lots Naphtali Asher Manasseh Zebulun Issachar Manasseh
Ephraim Gad Ammon Dan Benjamin Reuben Judah Moab Simeon Edom

3 I. Trust God even when decisions are not ours to make (14:1-5)
DRAWING LOTS God instructs to use lot system in dividing the Promise Land (Num.22:52-56) B. God is in control of the lot of our life (Psalm 139: 15-17)

4 II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15)
II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15)

5 Who is Caleb? One of the descendants of the Kenizzite, the Canaanites (14:6b; Gen. 15:19) Comes into the community of Yahweh by his own conviction. Yet, cohesively connected to the tribe of Judah (14:6a; Judg. 3:9-11; 1Chro.4:15). Hebrew word means “a dog” chases after a bone Caleb is the person who chases or follows after God

6 II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) A
II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) A. Be loyal to your senior leaders as Caleb was faithful to Moses (14:6-7)

7 II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) B
II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) B. Be excited about your present and future life with God despite of your age and circumstances like Caleb at eighty-five years old (14:8-12a) Give me this mountain

8 II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) C
II. Follow Yahweh whole-heartedly (14:6-15) C. Acknowledge God’ presence and believe in fulfilling your God’s given destiny as Caled did (14:12b-15)

9 Allocation of Land Cities of Refuge

10 “Singpu, follow me whole-heartedly and you will become everything that I want you to be with your life!” Let us “Be all God intended by following Him wholly!”

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