Introducing Mexico Click here to start

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1 Introducing Mexico Click here to start

2 Where in the world is Mexico?
Mexico lies in the narrow chain of countries that link the continent of North America with the continent of South America. This region is known as Central America. Click Mexico

3 How big is Mexico? Mexico is a vast country – the 14th largest in the world! It is bigger than the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany – all added together! Because Mexico covers such a huge area, it has many different types of landscapes. Click Some parts of Mexico have snow capped mountains… Other areas have tropical jungles… There are parts that are hot, dry desserts… …and areas of endless grassy prairie land.

4 Mexico’s Coastlines Mexico has two very long coastlines with the Pacific Ocean on the west side and the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea on the east. Its beautiful beaches tempt thousands of people to take holidays there each year. Click

5 Around Mexico Mexico is an amazing country with a huge variety of sights to see and places to explore with ancient ruins and modern cities. Click Mexico City At the centre of Mexico is its enormous capital city. Mexico City is a mixture of Aztec palaces, modern high-rise apartment blocks, streets and slums. A huge square, called Zόcalo, lies at the heart of the city. This was also the site of the main square of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlάn, where the royal palace stood.

6 Mexico City Grand Spanish churches and cathedrals Mexico City Grand Spanish churches and cathedrals High-rise apartment blocks Zόcalo – the main square Slum areas Aztec temples

7 Baja California Baja California is a long, spindly finger of land sticking out into the Pacific Ocean. As you can see from the map, Baja California is an excellent place for “whale spotting”. Every year, thousands of grey whales migrate here from the Bering Sea in the Arctic to breed. Click

8 Copper Canyon The Copper Canyon region (or Barranca del Cobre) is a group of six huge canyons in the western Sierra Madre mountains. The dramatic and spectacular sight of the Canyon can be best appreciated if you take the train. The journey lasts for about 12 hours and passes through 86 tunnels and crosses 39 bridges. Click The gorges which make up the Copper Canyon are up to 1200 metres deep and 1500 metres wide!

9 Acapulco The city of Acapulco, on the south-west coast is Mexico’s most famous holiday resort. It has wonderful beaches, hotels and restaurants but one of its most spectacular attractions are the cliff divers of La Quebrada. Click The divers dive off sheer cliffs, from heights of up to 45 metres, into a narrow inlet of sea below where the water is only 3.5 metres deep!

10 Chichén Itzά In the south-east of Mexico, on the Yucatάn Peninsula, you will find the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichén Itzά. The city was at its greatest between the 6th and 10th centuries AD. Click One of the most well preserved buildings is the pyramid, El Castillo (The Castle). The temple at the top is reached by a flight of 365 steps, one for each day of the year.

11 The deserts of Mexico are home to some amazing plants and animals…
Mexican Desert Life The deserts of Mexico are home to some amazing plants and animals… Click Among them are the giant saguaro cacti, which can grow over 12 metres tall. There are also coyotes, rattlesnakes, prairie dogs and the poisonous gila monsters. Giant Saguaro Cacti Coyotes Prairie Dogs Poisonous Gila Monsters

12 In this slide show we have learned about some of the varied landscapes, landmarks and geographical features of Mexico. There are many more for you to find out about! If you would like to know a little more about the people of Mexico, have a look at our “Life in Mexico” and “The People of Mexico” slide shows.

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