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Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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1 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
From: Laser Pointers and the Human EyeA Clinicopathologic Study Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(12): doi: /archopht Figure Legend: Apparatus designed to facilitate directing light from the laser pointer to different sites in the retina. The laser pointer is on the right side of the Amsler grid (straight arrow). When the patient gazed directly at the laser beam through the central aperture in the Amsler grid, the fovea was exposed. When the patient gazed to either of the 2 targets (curved arrows), the retina was exposed approximately 5° on either side of the fovea. Date of download: 10/24/2017 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

2 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
From: Laser Pointers and the Human EyeA Clinicopathologic Study Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(12): doi: /archopht Figure Legend: Case 2. Retina cells with disruption of the cellular membrane and loss of apical processes. There is dispersion of pigment granules among outer segments of photoreceptor cells. The lipofuscin and melanofuscin granules have irregular shapes (lead citrate; original magnification ×6000). Date of download: 10/24/2017 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

3 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
From: Laser Pointers and the Human EyeA Clinicopathologic Study Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(12): doi: /archopht Figure Legend: Case 3. Parafoveolar region shows retinal pigment epithelial cells with intracytoplasmic lipofuscin and melanofuscin granules with irregular shapes. The cellular membranes are preserved. Apical displacement of the nuclei is observed. There is minimal vacuolization of some outer segments (lead citrate; original magnification ×5000). Date of download: 10/24/2017 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

4 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
From: Laser Pointers and the Human EyeA Clinicopathologic Study Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(12): doi: /archopht Figure Legend: Case 3. Peripheral retina approximately 8 mm remote from the site of laser exposure shows retinal pigment epithelial cells with intracytoplasmic granules of irregular shapes. The nuclei of the cells are basally located. Some vacuolization of the outer segments is also observed (lead citrate; original magnification ×3000). Date of download: 10/24/2017 Copyright © 2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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