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Three people a day die from asthma

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Presentation on theme: "Three people a day die from asthma"— Presentation transcript:

1 Three people a day die from asthma
The DP with Asthma Should you worry? Three people a day die from asthma

2 What is asthma? Asthma is a condition that affects the small airways in the lungs When the person with asthma comes into contact with a trigger, the muscles in the small airways tighten, the lining of the airways thicken and sometimes sticky mucus builds up. This reduces airflow and causes difficulty in breathing.

3 What’s the inside story?

4 What can be a trigger? Anything that irritates the airways:
Colds and flu Tobacco smoke Exercise Pollen Feathers House dust mites

5 What are the symptoms? Coughing Wheezing Tripod posture
Shortness of breath Tight chest

6 Can we prevent attacks? No, but we can make them less likely
Get them assessed Let them have their blue inhaler

7 What do we do for an attack?
Let them have their blue inhaler - now Let them take 2 puffs If no better after 2 minutes - 2 more puffs 2 puffs every 2 minutes up to 10 puffs If no better after 10 puffs, call 999

8 Any questions?

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