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Published byMerry James Modified over 6 years ago
Objectively respond to questions raised by Sport and Recreation Portfolio Committee on Schools Sport MoU Highlight the successes and milestones that have been achieved from 2012 – 2015 State the challenges and possible solutions towards optimal implementation of the MoU Unpack the teacher training plan and approach Provide progress on the interaction with drug free sport 3
On the 14 August 2015 SRSA and DBE convened meetings with the Provincial Departments of the respective departments in order to discuss as well as respond to the implementation of the MoU. The Sport and Education Departments met separately in order to openly discuss the status of the implementation. The second meeting was a joint National and Provincial Departments of Basic Education and Sport & Recreation confirming their understanding of the status of the implementation on 15 August 2015. The representatives of SRSA as well as DBE at National and Provincial level have therefore agreed on the approach as well as the contents of the report. 4
PART 1 5
ACHIEVED MILESTONES 6 Activity Responsible Status
Finalization of the Schools Sport Policy DBE The Department of Basic Education reviewed the existing policy on Schools Sport, presented to CEM and approved. The policy has been forwarded to the Minister of Basic Education for gazetting and published. Done Finalize guidelines for agencies supporting the delivery of school sport SRSA SRSA has developed the National Academy Framework with SASCOC whose focus is Talent Identification and Support of Talented Athletes. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. Together with provincial governments and federations identify talent at inter-district school tournaments for further development through the academy system. Talent Identification is currently taking place at the National Championship level, from 2016 Talent identification will be implemented at District, Provincial and National Level. Ongoing 6
ACHIEVED MILESTONES Activity Responsible Status
Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training manuals are developed by Federations covering the coaching as well as the technical training. Ongoing Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers The capacity building programmes are coordinated at lower levels by Federations and Codes. DBE and codes identify teachers to be trained. The teacher centres are utilised for this purpose 7
ACHIEVED MILESTONES Activity Responsible Status
Assist National Federations in the hosting of National Junior Championship SRSA Host National Junior Olympic Games biannually in conjunction with SASCOC ( to serve as a feeder system for the IOC Youth Olympic Games) 8
ACHIEVED MILESTONES Activity Responsible Status
Develop the concept of Sport Focus Schools SRSA Develop a 5 year competitive schools sport plan with National Federations 9
SPORTS PLAN Sport and Recreation 10
The MOU has had its unique implementation challenges in various provinces, KZN and Free State have signed the MOU at a Provincial level. There is currently a disjuncture in the implementation of the National Development Plan including Outcome 14 and National Sport and Recreation Plan Objectives. The presence of Code structures and Federations to provide support to Provinces result to unequal growth and support of codes in different provinces. School sport is not funded separately, the allocated voted funds are shared with all Enrichment programmes including school sport. This result to unintended consequences of neglecting some codes in different provinces 11
Physical Education as a curriculum matter has been supported through sport to create a clear distinction between the two, however there is a need to further engage to create more clarity. The Government Officials that are serving in the National Federations and School Code Structures (conflict of interest that is not declared contrary to DPSA regulations). The guidelines on the establishment of code structures prohibits government officials from serving in these structures The Mass Participation and Sport Development Grant (resides at SRSA) remains largely the source of funding for the implementation of the Schools Sport Strategy in Provinces. 12
In Provinces, the structures are not properly constituted, not legally structured and they do not have independence. They are mostly on Ad Hoc basis and therefore not operational. Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Free State and Northern Cape have the Schools Sport Policy support at Premier and MEC level. There is also collaboration with Free State MEC of Sport and Recreation and DBE, thus the school sport programme is receiving support. Minimal sport budget at District levels and lower, contributes to minimal monitoring and support rates by the Districts to the participating schools. The collaboration with Federations to accelerate the training of teachers in various codes is ongoing. The implementation plan has been signed with Cricket SA to ensure that schools in rural and township schools benefit from the programme. The teachers centres are used as central training facilities and discussions with Mindset to access educators through the media and provide the necessary training to them. 13
The Challenges: Rationalization and right sizing and how it has affected the teachers. The allocation of the budget to Enrichment is not equitable as per Sport, Culture and Choral Music (norms and standards distribution of funds) Provincial Funding and ring fencing of school sport funds according to programs. Migration of educators affects the delivery of sport after school, the emphasis has been put in including sport in the school programme to ensure leaner access to sport. The SGB’s and Principals decide on the programs on the basis of interest and priority of schools. (competing priorities at a school level) Buy in from Unions and SGB Associations at lower levels to support the school sport programme, the National structure participate in the Stakeholder Forum, however the forum is not duplicated at lower levels 14
WESTERN CAPE Responsibility Comments 16
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE A combined effort in establishing Local up to District Schools Sport Committee is in place. SPO and SEPC are responsible for establishing and supporting these structures. DBE convenes the meeting and share the database with Sport. The JPTT has been established and it working as planned. There are quarterly meeting of SEPC and SPO on a monthly basis. There are three IG structures Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The codes of sport on their own initiate the schools sport leagues, however this is sporadic as it does not take place in all schools across the districts. In 2015, Districts have been allocated R for school leagues. Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach as well as SEPC to notify schools. Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach as well as SEPC to notify schools. 16
NORTH WEST 17 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE School Sport convenes and facilitate the establishment of the Schools Sport Structures, as well as all the logistics of meetings, workshops. Athletics was facilitated by Enrichment Unit in establishing their code structures. The registered schools are currently the source of establishing structures. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The annual plan for the implementation of the programme was circulated to schools at the beginning of the year, fixtures drawn up. The remote areas do not play the leagues rather the festivals are organized for those schools Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 17
NORTHERN CAPE 18 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE DBE is convening the Schools Code Structures and updates the Department of Sport in terms of existing structures. There is a Joint Provincial Task Team on schools and the meetings are held regularly. Nine codes have been established and others are not in place at all. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. There is currently no evidence of leagues especially in township and rural schools. Currently the leagues are only in football sponsored programs. Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA Provincial Federations and the Sport Academy provides the training material for Technical and Coaching aspects. Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport convenes and pay for the training of teachers and DBE provides and informs the teachers to attend the training session. 18
MPUMALANGA 19 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE JPTT is in place and code structures are convened jointly on the basis of the constant collective planning. Department of Sport funds the establishment and support of the code structures. The umbrella boy of Schools Sport is now in place and funded by the Department of Sport as well. The Premier of Mpumalanga supports the School sport programme. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The cluster / Municipality Games are organized to cover all the areas within the Province. The programme is well monitored and the fixtures are available. Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 19
LIMPOPO 20 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE JPTT is in place and code structures are convened jointly on the basis of the constant collective planning. Department of Sport funds the establishment and support of the code structures. The umbrella body of Schools Sport is now in place and funded by the Department of Sport. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The Fixtures from a circuit level are available and workshops to improve the implementation are planned in this financial year Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 20
KWAZULU NATAL 21 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE Interim Structures have been established except for Cricket. The Structures are at a District and Provincial Levels. Communication with structures is driven by DBE. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. There is no evidence of schools league in the townships and rural areas. It is mostly at model C schools. Districts like uMkhanyakude, iLembe and Ugu have year long fixtures in various codes Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The National Federations Material is utilised to train educators Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 21
GAUTENG 22 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE There is a strong alliance in implementing the programme, the JPTT as well as establishment of School Structures from local to provincial levels has been completed Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The monthly meetings of all District Sport Coordinators are used to monitor the intra and inter school leagues. The fixtures are drawn upfront and records submitted to the Office of the MEC Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers The Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. GDE facilitates the logistical release of educators to the training. 22
FREE STATE 23 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE The JPTT is currently auditing the existing structures and find means to provide support between DBE and Sport. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The programme is ongoing and monitored by the province. The fixtures for all Districts are available. Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers The Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 23
EASTERN CAPE 24 Responsibility Comments
Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. DBE There is collaboration between DSR and DBE and all the structures are in place and there has been an establishment of interim umbrella structure. Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. The inter and intra school programme is not well monitored. Not all codes have fixtures. Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA The training is facilitated through Sport Federations Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers The Department of Sport facilitates the training as well as material for training in technical and coaching skills. The educators are recruited through the sporting codes that they coach 24
JNTT PROCESS The Joint National Task Team meet once in two months to review the school sport programme. The adhoc meetings are convened to deal with urgent issues The meetings further prepare for the Extended JNTT with Codes and Federations which is scheduled once a quarter. Prior to the Extended JNTT meetings, the Departments meet separately with their officials to prepare accordingly for the meeting. The provinces provide the progress reports in the implementation of the School sport programme, plans for the future as well as the challenges in implementing the programme in their respective provinces. 26
ANNUAL PROGRAMME 27 Level 1 School level: Mass Participation
Classes or houses play against each other to come up with the school team for each school Every week DBE Level 2 Local Competitions Schools in the same area take part in a competition through a fixture and compete for a top school position in the locality Every month Level 3 Circuit Competitions Top Schools within one locality compete through a round robin against each other with in a circuit to choose the best school that will represent a circuit in a district competition Once a quarter Level 4 District Competitions Top Schools in the log from the same area compete for a top position in the District log Once per season SRSA Level 5 Provincial Eliminations Top school in the log from the District in level 3 compete for top position in the Provincial log Once a year Level 6 National Championship The wining school in the province competes at the National Festival 27
NATIONAL The Department of Basic Education has allocated R for school sport in the 2015/16 financial year. The budget is utilised mainly for convening meetings (Inter provincial, Stakeholders Forum and Partners) and monitoring the programme in Provinces. The budget is further utilised for the Physical Education and physical activity mobilisation programmes. Provinces allocate funding for Enrichment programmes including School Sport. 29
30 MTEF budget for school sport for all PEDs TOTAL 176,299 185,659
Directorate: Financial Planning, Economic Analysis, anf Provincial Budget Monitoring and Support Medium Term estimates Provinces 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R'000 Eastern Cape 30,091 31,716 33,302 Free State 29,759 30,962 33,571 Gauteng 1,790 1,885 1,979 KwaZulu-Natal 49,574 52,201 54,811 Limpopo 4,327 4,571 4,817 Mpumalanga 14,181 14,961 15,754 Northern Cape 15,231 15,990 16,789 North West 31,346 33,373 35,041 Western Cape TOTAL 176,299 185,659 196,064 30
DRUG FREE SPORT The South African Schools Act of 1996 (Act No 84 of 1996) makes provision for the random testing of an illegal drugs. An illegal drug means any unlawful substance that has a psychological or physiological effect or any substance that has such effect that is possessed unlawfully. The proposed amendment of the SASA to provide for the random testing of a learner(s) who is suspected of taking performance enhancing drugs as defined in the South African Drug –Free Sport Act,1997.The proposed amendments will be presented to parliament during the first half of next year. The current DBE strategy on dealing with drugs in schools is currently being amended to include this information as well. In partnership with the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport the Department of Basic Education will be implementing the testing of prohibited substances in identified schools. The CEM recommended the inclusion of this information in the school sport policy to ensure that schools receive this information. Plans to infuse the information in the Life skills information on drugs are underway. 31
CONCLUSION There is a need to intensify the implementation of the programme at lower levels. The absence of well constituted and funded code structures create a serious challenge in moving the programme forward. The funding of school sport at a lower levels will assist to bring the programme to a better level than it is currently the case. The political ownership of the school sport programme in provinces is highly needed for the success in delivering a credible programme. 32
Thank you! SRSA
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