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Woodlands Primary School Going for Gold

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1 Woodlands Primary School Going for Gold

2 The ‘Going for Gold’ initiative was rolled out in its first year year across Y4, 5 and 6, where children gained a deeper understanding of commitment, perseverance and dedication.

3 The set up for this initiative was similar to that of ‘The Duke of Edinburgh’, where children completed four activities over the course of the year to attain their bronze (Y4), silver (Y5), gold and gems (Y6) awards. These activities split into four categories: physical, community, skill and a personal project.

4 The aim of this new initiative was to provide children with the opportunity to participate in a variety of enriching activities and learn new skills, whilst encouraging them to ‘be the best they can be’.

5 Last year we rolled ‘Going for Gold’ out across the whole junior school and it was a huge success! The children obtained copper (Y3), bronze (Y4), silver (Y5) and then gold and GEMS (Y6) with rave reviews from parents and staff.


7 Evidence/ rewards

8 What does the future hold…


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