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Explain the function of the major organ systems in the human body.

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1 Explain the function of the major organ systems in the human body.
Standard S7L2.e Explain the function of the major organ systems in the human body.

2 I can explain the function of each of the body’s organ systems.
Learning Target I can explain the function of each of the body’s organ systems.

3 Human Body Systems

4 Levels of Organization
Many cells make a tissue. Several tissues make up an organ. Several organs make up a system. Several systems make the organism.

5 Organism All the systems within an organism are interconnected.
Example: Blood circulates through the circulatory system. The oxygen being transported by the blood is brought in by the respiratory system. Hormones produced by the endodcrine system are transported also.

6 What is a system? A system is a group of organs that work together.
It is the most complex level of organization. Systems work alone and with other systems to allow your body to maintain homeostasis.

7 Homeostasis Organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
This is the “process of maintaining a fairly constant internal environment despite changing conditions.” It is how we regulate ourselves. Things change to remain the same. Examples: drinking water when you are thirsty or sweating to cool the body

8 The human body is like a team working together!
The systems are the star players!

9 Circulatory System Major Parts: Heart, Veins, Arteries, and Capillaries Transport System for Many Substances The heart is the “pump.” Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs where oxygen is picked up and carbon dioxide is released. The blood then travels back to the heart, which then pumps it to the rest of the body. Oxygen is transferred to the body cells as the blood is pumped through the body. The blood also collects wastes from the cells.

10 Blood Red Blood Cells--contain hemoglobin which transports oxygen and carbon dioxide White Blood Cells---fight infections & disease Platelets---help to clot blood Plasma is the liquid part of blood and is mostly water.

11 Blood Vessels Arteries—vessels that carry blood AWAY from the heart.
Veins---carry blood BACK to the heart. Capillaries---connect arteries and veins

12 Circulatory may also be called CARDIOVASCULAR
Circulatory may also be called CARDIOVASCULAR. Vascular refers to the “tubes” in the body.


14 Respiratory System Major Parts: Nose, Trachea, Bronchial Tubes, Lungs, Alveolus, and Diaphragm Respiration refers to movement of air in and out of lungs. We inhale oxygen, we exhale carbon dioxide.


16 Digestive System Major Parts: Tongue, Teeth, Salivary Glands, Esophagus, Stomach, Pancreas, Liver, Gall Bladder, Small Intestine, Appendix, and Large Intestine This system breaks down food into smaller pieces that can be used by your cells. It brings nutrients into your body. It works with the circulatory and excretory to bring in nutrients and to remove wastes.

17 Digestion Occurs in Two Ways:
Mechanical digestion occurs when the food is chewed and is physically moved into the stomach. Chemical digestion occurs when chemicals in the body break down the food. Example: Stomach Acid Dissolving Food

18 Beans and You

19 Skeletal System Main Parts: Skull, Vertebral column, Sternum, Ribs, Humerus, Femur, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges, Pelvic Girdle, Femur, Patela, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsalas, and Metatarsals Made of Bones, Cartilage, Tendons, and Ligaments Provides Structure, Support, and Protection for the Body Bones attach to skeletal muscle which allows for movement. Bones are mostly made of calcium phosphate.


21 Muscular System The muscular system is used to move the body, help circulate blood, and moves food through the digestive system. There are three types of muscle: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.

22 Types of Muscles Skeletal Muscle---move the body and are a type of voluntary muscle. Cardiac Muscles---found in the heart and are involuntary muscle (works automatically) Smooth Muscles---found in many organs (involuntary)


24 Immune System White blood cells fight infection by producing antibodies or devouring invading cells. Main Parts: Spleen, Tonsils, Thymus, Bone Marrow & lymphatic system Bone marrow makes leukocytes (WBC) Helps Protect the Body from Disease-Causing Agents called Pathogens

25 Lymphatic System This system consists of lymph vessels, lymph, and lymphoid tissues. This system is a connecting network among parts of the immune system. Lymph vessels transport a fluid called lymph. 4. Lymph is composed of tissue fluid (fluid around cells) and white blood cells. 5. Lymph nodes filter the lymph fluid to prevent foreign objects from entering the blood stream.

26 Nervous System Control Center and Network Communication Center of the body It detects and responds to stimuli both inside and outside the body. It controls the five senses. This system interacts with all the body systems. A nerve is a bundle of nerve cells, called neurons. Neurons carry information from one place to another.


28 Two Main Parts of Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS)-This is the brain and spinal cord. The CNS is the main control center for the body. The Peripheral Nervous System---This consists of all other parts of the nervous system. The peripheral nervous system… A. carries nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the body B. carries sensory inputs from the body to the brain (Think of when you burn your finger!)


30 Brain Cerebrum-----Speaking, Thinking, Movement
Cerebellum----Coordination & Balance Thalamus----Sensory Organs Brain Stem----Connects to the Spinal Cord, Involuntary Impulses

31 Excretory System This system removes wastes from the body.
The lungs and skin help in removing waste. How you ask? The skin removes wastes by sweating. The lungs remove waste through respiration. However, the majority of waste is removed through the urinary tract. The major parts of this system are kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

32 Endocrine System This system uses chemical messengers called hormones to control body functions such as growth, development, and metabolism. It also tells the body when to release energy! Glands such as the pineal gland, pituitary gland are involved.


34 Reproductive System This system makes sure that life continues on Earth. It is the ONLY system that can be removed from the body, and the body will still function. In the process of fertilization, an egg (haploid) and sperm (haploid) join to produce a diploid zygote.

35 Integumentary This is the skin, nails, hair, and glands.
The skin in the largest ORGAN of the body. It acts as a barrier against infection, helps regulate body temperature, and covers the skeletal and muscular systems.


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