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Presentation on theme: "Clothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clothing

2 It was too hot to wear heavy clothes in Egypt.
Egyptians did not have to wear headdresses. They mostly wore thin clothing made from plant fibers and linen. Richer people would put on wigs. Wool was sometimes used. Wigs were sometimes worn by the Egyptians, but only on special occasions. A small amount of silk was traded to the Eastern side of the Mediterranean at some point. This started very early in the Egyptian time. Sandals were stitched together and made of rush or leather. Pharaohs wore very fancy sandals with designs. The fronts of the shoes had a curve, like this. Though pharaohs’ wore the sandals all the time, they were always drawn without them because their gods were always barefoot. Some shoes were made of gold and put in tombs, but no one knows whether or not they wore them. Some shoes were made with signs of enemies, probably so they could step on them. Sandals evolved more and were worn more as time passed in Egypt. Remains of silk were found in Egyptian tombs. Most people think that all pharaohs wore headdresses, but no one knows for sure. Old cloths were recycled and turned into new articles of clothing. Animal skin was worn once and a while by priests and pharaohs! Mostly, the people of Egypt walked barefoot. The most popular animal skin worn was leopard. Leopard was draped on tomb walls such as King’s Tut’s. The Egyptians only wore special sandals on special occasions or if they knew they were going to be walking on very rough ground. Sometime in the New Kingdom, sandals evolved into shoes that resembled to flats.

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