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Obstacles to Modernization

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Presentation on theme: "Obstacles to Modernization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Obstacles to Modernization
Poverty Overpopulation Building national unity Diversity Caste Gap between law and tradition Availability of education

2 Using Chapter 9: p Cultural change is occurring throughout South Asia. For each, give examples to show how it has been a cause of cultural change or has been affected by cultural change: (a) caste system (b) economic development (c) technology (d) family life

3 Economic Development CAUSE created new jobs in industry
engineering, chemicals, textiles, high tech industry, software, manufactured goods, pharmaceuticals service (call centers, clinical testing) increased urbanization Weakens traditional Indian culture Western values Importance of education and training changed landholding patterns

4 Technology CAUSE connected India to world beyond village
Roads/media Introduced to western Values new products/machinery affect daily village life Green revolution, electricity, healthcare, schools, manufactured goods, farming techniques Population explosion urbanization

5 Family Life AFFECTED more urbanization = more nuclear family
rights and education more opportunities for women Own property, divorce, seats in Parliament Marriage Higher castes: marry later, right of refusal, set up own home, work outside of home Improved gender equity

6 Caste System AFFECTED weakened by urbanization, government, economic development and education efforts to outlaw discrimination based on caste Untouchability illegal Compensatory discrimination = quota system Politically active/political parties Mixing of castes Increased social mobility

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