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Cold War Millionaire.

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1 Cold War Millionaire

2 Who wants to be a Millionaire?
Hosted by MR. EBERHART

3 Team with the most money at the end receives candy!!!

4 The Prizes 1 - $100 2 - $200 3 - $500 4 - $1,000 5 - $2,000 6 - $4,000 7 - $8,000 8 - $16,000 9 - $32,000 10 - $64,000 11 - $125,000

5 $100 In Middle Eastern society, women have increasingly been at the center of a conflict between the forces of modernization and the ? - values of traditional Islamic culture A - values of traditional Islamic culture B - pressure for a Palestinian homeland C - shortage of capital D - need to reduce the birth rate

6 $200 A major result of increasing urbanization in African nations has been the A - elimination of ethnic ties B - rejection of Western technology C - strengthening of the extended family ? - increase in cultural opportunities D - increase in cultural opportunities

7 $500 In most societies, urbanization has
A - discouraged economic growth B - strengthened the influence of the extended family ? - weakened traditional values and life patterns C - weakened traditional values and life patterns D - promoted population growth

8 $1,000 In Africa, the growth of urban areas has contributed to
A - food supplies B - strengthened kinship ties C - limited social mobility ? - a breakdown of tribal identity D - a breakdown of tribal identity

9 $2,000 In Mexico and India, the Green Revolution has been successful because it has A - promoted democratic reform B - increased agricultural productivity ? - increased agricultural productivity C - introduced Western culture and values D - established economic equality

10 $4,000 A major environmental problem affecting Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia has been A - air pollution B - acid rain ? - deforestation C - deforestation D - disposal of nuclear waste

11 $8,000 Which has been a serious problem for many nations of the Middle East since World War II? A - renewed colonial conquest by Europeans B - cutbacks in foreign aid from the United States C - increased world demand for oil ? - conflicts between traditionalists and modernists D - conflicts between traditionalists and modernists

12 $16,000 Which is a major problem facing many developing nations today?
A - resolving conflicts between church and state B - adjusting traditional patterns to modernization ? - adjusting traditional patterns to modernization C - gaining political independence from colonial powers D - obtaining membership in the United Nations

13 $32,000 Since the 1960s, a major improvement in African agriculture has been A - a greater emphasis on subsistence farming B - an increased dependence on a one-crop economy C - a decreased reliance on irrigation systems ? - an increased use of scientific farming techniques D - an increased use of scientific farming techniques

14 $64,000 Global problems of uneven economic development, environmental pollution, and hunger reflect the need for ? - increased international cooperation A - increased international cooperation B - increased military spending by all nations C - a return to policies of economic nationalism D – a reduction in foreign aid

15 $125,000 In the Soviet Union, a negative aspect of the Cold War Era was the A - attempt to preserve democratic ideals B - development of modern technology ? - high cost of maintaining the arms race C - high cost of maintaining the arms race D - development of international cooperation

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