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ASSE 2111: Learning Outcome Assessment I – sec.205

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1 ASSE 2111: Learning Outcome Assessment I – sec.205
SELF-UNDERSTANDING ASSE 2111: Learning Outcome Assessment I – sec.205 Dr. Khawla Kittaneh Ala’a Mansour Abrar Almoathen Fatimh Al-Qaisoum Sawsan Al-saba

2 OUTLINE Introduction to self-understanding
Monitoring the egocentrism in your thought and life Making a commitment to fair-mindedness Recognizing the Mind’s three Distinctive Functions Understanding That You Have a special Relationship to your Mind

3 Can You Tell Us? are you sociable? are you shy? are you confident?
are you tall? are you fat? are you optimistic? are you happy? How to make better decisions?

4 What Is Self-Understanding or Self Concept
According to is a general term used to refer to how someone thinks about or perceives themselves. It includes: your social character or abilities your physical appearance and your body image your thinking

5 Monitoring the Egocentrism in Your Thought and Life
Observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time selfish -: we have little or no real insight into the nature of our own thinking and emotions.

6 Do you Believe in these things?
Good writing is a talent one is born with not a product of practice and hard work You cannot get A+ even if you work hard You are not good enough to be what you want!

7 You are what you believe. Your Life is what you believe it will be
You are what you believe. Your Life is what you believe it will be. It is as simple as that. But if it is as simple as that, why does life never go the way you think you want it to go? If it is as simple as that why are you not rich, famous and happy despite believing you should be?

8 Making a Commitment to Fair-Mindedness
Why it is important to be egocentric person? To understand how to deal with the structure of the mind

9 What is the way to confront egocentrism?
By exploring how much we allowed our identity to be egocentrically shaped Example: our beliefs ( childhood, marriage,…) The result: we are like a product of these influences But we can be more than a product of influences through self-understanding

10 It is true because I believe it.
It is true because we believe it It is true because I want to believe it It is true because I have always believed it It is true because it is in my selfish interest to believe it.

11 Function of Mind Thinking Feeling Wanting

12 Thinking Function of thinking Create meaning Sort events Tell us
What is going on What is happening

13 Feeling Function of feeling Monitor or evaluate the meanings
Evaluating the events Tell us How you should feel You are doing well You are getting into trouble

14 Wanting Function of wanting Allocate energy to action Tell us
What is worth getting This is not worth getting

15 Understanding That You Have a Special Relationship to Your Mind
Change your thinking to change your feeling and your doing

16 Positive and negative thought
Take control of your thinking to manage pressure and reduce stress

17 How positive thinking opens your mind?
Positive thinking is about learning to use your thoughts as tools to help you feel better.

18 Thank You for Your Listening

19 References

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