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Risk Assessment and Accident Prevention

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2 Risk Assessment and Accident Prevention
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment and Accident Prevention Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

3 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Terminology Accident Near miss Dangerous Situation Occupational illness Exposure Hazard Risk Probability, Likelihood Severity Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

4 What exactly is an accident ?
Accident: event occurring on the CERN site, or offsite in the course of official activities for CERN, and resulting in bodily injuries, having consequences on the environment, or causing significant damage to property belonging to CERN or third parties. This includes road accidents on the CERN site. CERN Safety Code A2 A personal accident is an unplanned event that results in injury or ill-health of people. Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

5 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Not quite an accident Near miss: event presenting a significant risk exposure to the occurrence of an accident, even in the absence of injuries and damages It is believed that for every 10 ‘near miss’ events at a particular location, a minor accident may occur under similar circumstances. A dangerous occurrence is a ‘near miss’ which could, under unfavourable conditions, have led to serious injury or loss of life. Examples: Road in bad state → Accident Chemicals stored together with food → Occupational illness Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

6 Evaulation de risque et prévention d'accidents
Near Miss Accident Dangerous Situations Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Evaulation de risque et prévention d'accidents

7 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Hazard and Risk Hazard is the potential of a substance, activity or process to cause an accident or an occupational illness. The level of Risk of a substance, an activity or a process is determined by The probability to provoke an accident or an occupational illness The severity of the consequences Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

8 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Hazard 100 % Risk depends on how close you get (and if the lion is hungry) Hazard 100 % Risk 0% as long as the cage remains closed Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

9 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Don’t confuse ! Hazards take many forms, e.g. Electricity, dangerous chemicals, work at height For a risk to be present, At least one person must be exposed to the hazard (probability) The potential of the hazardous substance or activity to cause more or les severe injury or ill-health determines the level of risk Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

10 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Hazard: The Lion Exposed Persons, if the lion is let loose Severity: irreversible or fatal injury Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

11 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
How to reduce risk ? Reduce the probability of an accident Equipment “safe by dsign” Exclusion areas Train the workers Reduce the severity of an accident’s consequences Replace a dangerous product by a less dangerous one Use personal protections Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

12 Principles of (Risk) control
Employer’s obligations (89/391/CEE) Avoid risk (by elimination) Evaluate those risks that cannot be eliminated Counteract at the source of the hazard Adapt the work(place) to man Take account of state-of-the-art Replace the dangerous with the less dangerous Prevent accidents by integrating technical measures with work organisation and working conditions Prefer collective protections Give workers appropriate instructions. Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

13 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Hazard Elimination If possible, get rid of the hazardous substance / activity / process altogether Hazard 0 % Hazard 100 % Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

14 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Why Risk Assessment ? At the workplace, many hazards are present: Electricity, dangerous chemicals, work at height, tools, machines, … Risk Assessment allows to estimate the accident potential of every identified hazard Allows to set priorities in risk reduction or for accident prevention in general Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

15 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Identify the Hazards Walk around the workplace Use a hazard register (OHS & 0-0-2, EDMS v.2) Talk to the employees and other workers Check manuals, labels, documentations, Material safety data sheets etc. Team up with your Safety Officers Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

16 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Estimate the risks “Guesstimate” the frequency and the severity of the accidents or ill-health Take into account who could be exposed to the hazard You can use OHS or OHS or any other template that suits you Muster the help of your Safety Officers Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

17 Risk Matrix (Example) High Risk Level 1/day Risk Reduction = Control
1/month Medium 1/year Likelihood ? Low 1/10 years Injury reversible without stopping work Injury reversible if the work is stopped Minor irreversible injury Irreversible or fatal injury Severity Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

18 Counteract at the source of the risk
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Evaulation de risque et prévention d'accidents

19 Adapt work and workplace to man (Ergonomy)
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Evaulation de risque et prévention d'accidents

20 Take account of state-of-the-art
1913 2013 Evaulation de risque et prévention d'accidents Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial

21 Replace the dangerous with the less dangerous
Exchange hazardous substance / activity / process against less hazardous one Low Hazard Hazard 100 % Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

22 Collective Protection
Risk 0 % Hazard 100 % Risk 100 % Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

23 Individual Protection
Risk 0 % Hazard 100 % Attention: individual protection does most of the times not reduce the likelihood of an accident, but its severity. Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

24 Give workers appropriate instructions
Sign-posting Authorisations Acces controle Formation à la sécurité Habilitation Permis Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

25 Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention
Safety Training Certificate For Safe Handling of Lions Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

26 Lunch Break Have a good meal !
Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial Risk Assessment & Accident Prevention

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