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Body Image.

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1 Body Image

2 Psychology Today conducted readership surveys of body image in 1972, 1985 and 1996.
Readers were asked how they see, feel, and are influenced by their bodies. Because the results are based on the first 4,000 people to respond, it is hardly a representative sample of the American population. However, there are still some interesting findings:

3 Teasing during childhood or adolescence…
has a lasting effect on women’s feelings about their bodies. Women report that the negative impact can last for decades, no matter what their current shape.

4 Models in the media have a strong influence on the way women see themselves.
There seems to be a backlash against skinny models as 4 out of 10 women said skinny models make them feel insecure, resentful and angry.

5 Pregnancy is increasingly being viewed as an encumbrance to body image.
Some women say they are choosing not to have children for this reason.

6 Compared with earlier surveys, body dissatisfaction is soaring.
A total of 89% of women respondents say they want to lose weight; 22% of men say they want to gain weight.

7 Women are being initiated into feelings of body hatred at an earlier age.

8 My Little Pony Comparison

9 8 out of 10 women would rather have a perfect body than a mate with a perfect body. 6 out of 10 men prefer the opposite.

10 With a partner, please write a ½-1 page journal reflection on one of the survey results listed.
Write about examples, feelings, issues that arise from the survey result. Turn in at the end of the hour with both of your names on the top of the paper. NO FRINGIES please!!

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