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Eating Disorders Prevention Presentation

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1 Eating Disorders Prevention Presentation

2 What part does the media play in shaping your body image?
How many hours of TV do you watch a day? How many magazine have you looked at this week? How many billboards have you seen while in a car this month? How about signs on transit vehicles? How many store window displays at the mall do you see?

3 Media and genetics facts
The average person sees 3,000 ads per day 1/3 of these ads speak directly to beauty and appearance Most models are thinner than 98% of women in the U.S. Genetics strongly influence our bone structure, body size and shape Guys and girls will gain pounds during a year of puberty AND this is healthy and natural

4 Media Impacts The Impact of Media Images on Body Image and Behaviours: A Summary of the Scientific Evidence (2009) details scientific evidence on how the use of airbrushing to promote “body perfect” ideals in advertising is a root cause of an array of serious problems in young women, including eating disorders, depression, extreme exercising and an increase in cosmetic surgery.

5 Media Impacts A 2007 report of the American Psychological Association’s Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls reported: 3 of the most common mental health problems among girls - eating disorders, depression or depressed mood, and low self-esteem - are linked to sexualization of girls and women in media.

6 Media Impacts 60% of teenage girls compare their bodies to fashion models and almost 90% say the media places a lot of pressure on them to be thin, according to the 2010 Girl Scout Research Institute report entitled ‘‘Beauty Redefined.’’

7 Dieting facts and simple food truths
The diet industry is worth $40 billion in the U.S. 95% of diets fail Dieting is no fun A body needs food as energy like a car needs fuel to drive Listen to and respond to your body’s natural hunger Don’t separate food into good and bad Eat a balanced diet in moderation Dieting can lead to the development of an eating disorder

8 What can I do to create change?
Remove magazine ads that send unhealthy messages Display ads that promote healthy messages Talk back to the TV when you hear/see unhealthy ads Tell your friends about what you learned today Don’t tolerate negative talk from others about their looks

9 What can I do to create change?
Compliment friends’ accomplishments, talents and characteristics NOT their appearance Join NEDA’s Media Watchdogs! Write to advertisers that send unhealthy messages; praise advertisers that send healthy messages Don’t buy products from advertisers that make you feel bad; buy products from those with positive ads Stop buying fashion magazines if they make you feel bad; choose alternative media sources

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