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Intestinal Protozoa Balantidium coli.

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1 Intestinal Protozoa Balantidium coli

2 Balantidium coli Is a parasitic species of ciliate protozoa that cause balantidiasis or Balantidium dysentery. Balantidium coli has two developmental stages, a trophozoite stage and a cyst stage. The cyst is the infective stage measures about 50 to 70 µm in diameter, characterized by the presence of a large kidney-shaped macronucleus. The trophozoite is oval with 2 nuclei and measures approximately 50 to 100 µm long and 40 to 70 µm wide.

3 B.coli Cyst


5 B. coli Trophozoite


7 Tissue Protozoa Toxoplasma gondii

8 Toxoplasma gondii Habitat: reticulo-endothelial system, monocyte, and muscle fiber and cause toxoplasmosis. Humans can acquire Toxoplasma gondii infection by ingestion cyst or sporylated oocyst Cyst: precipitated in flesh of cow. Sporulated oocyst: cat feces. Intermediate host: Human and cat. Definitive host: Cat. The tachyzoites are crescent-shaped and measure about 5 µm in length. Diagnostic stages: Diagnosis also can be done by detection antibody IgG, IgM, IgE and IgA.

9 Tachyzoites


11 Trichomonas vaginalis
Urogenital Protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis

12 Trichomonas vaginalis
Is the most common cause of vaginitis, inhabit the urogenital system There is no cyst stage but only have trophozoite stage. The trophozoite measures about 15 x 10 µm. The trophozoite has a single nucleus and four flagella and undulating membrane. Diagnosis: Male: finding trophozoite in urethral prostatic discharge Female: finding trophozoite in vaginal discharge.


14 T. vaginalis Trophozoite

15 Medical parasitology lab.
Faculty of health sciences Medical Laboratory Sciences Department Medical parasitology lab. Med ical Entomology

16 Medical Entomology Entomology: the science that concerned in the study of insects. There are many of medically important insects, that cause disease to human by itself or by transporting infective stage of another parasite. Pediculus humanus “Lice” Fleas Hard ticks & Soft ticks Mites Cimix lectularis “Bed Bug” Sand fly Tse tse Anopheles mosqueto

17 Pediculus humanus “Lice”
Cause pediculosis. Lice egg

18 Pediculus humanus humanus :– the body louse
Pediculus humanus capitis :head louse

19 Fleas

20 Hard Ticks & Soft Ticks

21 Hard Ticks & Soft Ticks

22 Mites Cause scabies Mite egg


24 Cimix lectularis “Bed Bug”
بق الفراش حشرة صغيره (غير مجنحة وطولها (4 - 7 مليمتر) ولونها يميل إلى البني الداكن وبيضاوية الشكل) تمص الدماء أثناء الليل وتسبب الحكة الشديدة والحساسية والإرهاق بسبب عدم النوم، تتغذى على الدم خصوصا أثناء نوم الإنسان ليلا أو نهاراً في الغرف المظلمة

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