West Central Minnesota

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1 West Central Minnesota
Heading Home West Central Minnesota

2 Purpose of the Plan It is our belief that each man, women and child in West Central Minnesota needs and deserves a place to call home. We hope that this plan will be used as a stepping stone to end homelessness in our region. This plan is meant to be a tool for the region to come together to solve the social, ethical, and economical problems that lead to homelessness. “This country will not be a good place for any of us to live unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in . . .” - Theodore Roosevelt

3 Prioritizing housing is a more humane, practical,
and cost effective means of supporting our homeless citizens.

4 Why end homelessness? To create more stable citizens, strengthening the whole community: Communities who support and strengthen their weakest citizens, become more attractive for all their citizens. With a stable roof over their heads, partnered with appropriate supports and treatment services, individuals with severe mental illness or chemical dependency are better able to focus on their issues and become stable, contributing citizens.

5 Why end homelessness? Create more stable citizens, strengthening the whole community: Communities who support and strengthen their weakest citizens, become more attractive for all their citizens. With a stable roof over their heads, partnered with appropriate supports and treatment services, individuals with severe mental illness or chemical dependency are better able to focus on their issues and become stable, contributing citizens. Proven Results: Placing housing first has shown success nationally, reducing the numbers of chronic and long-term homelessness by preventing the cycle of homelessness that too many of our citizens get caught in. It is proven more effective than current emergency services including; emergency shelter, detox, jail, and emergency rooms.

6 Why end homelessness? Create more stable citizens, strengthening the whole community: Communities who support and strengthen their weakest citizens, become more attractive for all their citizens. With a stable roof over their heads, partnered with appropriate supports and treatment services, individuals with severe mental illness or chemical dependency are better able to focus on their issues and become stable, contributing citizens. Proven Results: Placing housing first has shown success nationally, reducing the numbers of chronic and long-term homelessness by preventing the cycle of homelessness that too many of our citizens get caught in. It is proven more effective than current emergency services including; emergency shelter, detox, jail, and emergency rooms. Cost Effective: Allowing individuals to become homeless or cycle in and out of homelessness is a costly drain on emergency services time and resources. It is far more cost effective for communities to focus their time, resources and energy on stabilizing individuals in housing and providing them with the skills, training and support to living as independently as possible.

7 Why end homelessness? Create more stable citizens, strengthening the whole community: Communities who support and strengthen their weakest citizens, become more attractive for all their citizens. With a stable roof over their heads, partnered with appropriate supports and treatment services, individuals with severe mental illness or chemical dependency are better able to focus on their issues and become stable, contributing citizens. Proven Results: Placing housing first has shown success nationally, reducing the numbers of chronic and long-term homelessness by preventing the cycle of homelessness that too many of our citizens get caught in. It is proven more effective than current emergency services including; emergency shelter, detox, jail, and emergency rooms. Cost Effective: Allowing individuals to become homeless or cycle in and out of homelessness is a costly drain on emergency services time and resources. It is far more cost effective for communities to focus their time, resources and energy on stabilizing individuals in housing and providing them with the skills, training and support to living as independently as possible. Ethically and morally the “right thing to do”: Everyone deserves a roof over their heads, especially our most vulnerable citizens (those with a disability, children, youth and veterans). For religious believers, it is a religious imperative to help those who are homeless and in need.

8 Planning Process SWOT Analysis: Over18 focus and discussion groups were held to identify: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. Those represented include; current and formerly homeless, students, the faith community, volunteers, and service providers (homeless, youth, mental health, housing, and county social services). Review of SWOT findings: The West Central CoC Homeless to Housed Task Force and ELTH Subcommittee reviewed the findings and worked with the CoC Coordinator to establish Strategies and Goals. Plan Approval: In April 2009, the Task Force approved the initial goals of the plan. Review, update and assessment of the plan: HTH Ending Long-Term Homeless Committee: The committee meets annually to review and update the goals. In June of 2010, the goals were updated and brought to the CoC for approval. FM Coalition Ending Long-Term Homeless Committee: This committee meets monthly to focus on connecting the Fargo and West Central Plans. MN Statewide Coordinators Council: Made up of statewide Heading Home Coordinators and state staff, this group identifies common goals and addresses statewide ELTH issues.

9 2 Keys to Ending Homelessness
Close the Front Door. Open the Back Door. Goal: Increase access to affordable and supportive housing for those who are unable to find or maintain housing on their own. Reasoning: Some people will continue to cycle in and out of homelessness without supports. It is more cost effective to provide secure housing than to allow individuals to cycle in and out of homelessness. Goal: Prevent more people from becoming homeless. Reasoning: Homelessness cannot end if people continue to become homeless. If is easier and more cost effective to prevent homelessness versus provide emergency shelter and re-house.

10 “It costs much more if we leave people on the streets to cycle through the public health system and jail unfortunately, as they cycle through, they always land back on the sidewalk, and there’s been no resolution to their long-term homelessness and no improvement to their health. - Taken From “The Soloist”.

11 Identified Strategies to End Homelessness
Housing: Support at-risk individuals in improving housing stability through access to appropriate and affordable housing. Supportive Services: Provide comprehensive services linked to housing stability in order to prevent homelessness and end recidivism. Homeless Awareness: Provided education on the causes, affects and needs related to homelessness and ending homelessness.

12 Strategy I: Housing Improve housing stability through access to appropriate and affordable housing. Goals: Create single point of entry for accessing housing support, education, rights and responsibilities, and availability. Develop new affordable housing targeted at homeless. Advocate for increased funding to support homeless prevention and housing retention. “When assistance is restricted to those who are homeless tonight, not much can be done to prevent homelessness tomorrow. “ - Taken From “What Will It Take to End Homelessness” Urban Institute

13 Strategy II: Supportive Services
Provide comprehensive services linked to building and supporting housing stability. Goals: Make services accessible to all persons who are homeless. Provide education/training opportunities that promote housing stability. Seek funding for concentrated outreach services. Collaborate with employers and employment programs to address obstacles to obtaining and maintaining employment. Educate and train providers on best practices and sensitivity. Advocate for accessible and affordable public transportation. Improve connections to mainstream resources. Reduce the number of persons being discharged into homelessness. Support the development of a FM Youth drop-in center. Educate and engage the community in supporting the homeless.

14 Strategy III: Increase Awareness
Provide education on the causes, affects and needs related to homelessness and ending homelessness. Goals: Create a targeted pubic awareness campaign. Host an annual awareness campaign during Homeless Awareness Week. Connect awareness to action by providing specific opportunities for donors and volunteers. Dialogue with community leaders, political officials and educators on the social and economic benefits of ending homelessness.

15 A special thanks going to the Bush Foundation for their generous grant to support the development of HeadingHome West Central! Partners The HTH was pleased to partner with the following entities in the development of this plan; The State of Minnesota Heading Home Plan, Regional Community Action Agencies, Fargo-Moorhead Area Coalition for Homeless Persons, Cities of Moorhead and Fargo, and Alexandria Community Connect Committee.

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