Campaign Summary Report

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign Summary Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign Summary Report
Xbox - Gears of War 2 Dec08 11/30/ /26/2008 Campaign Summary Report

2 Total Campaign Performance
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Total Campaign Performance Eyeblaster Data Total Eyeblaster Benchmark Served Impressions 3,938,083 Average Dwell Time 50.43 Interaction Rate 7.09 % CTR 0.08 % CTR Rich Media: 0.82% CTR Std Banner: 0.16% Clicks 3,297 Unique Impressions 1,808,063 Average Frequency 2.18 Unique Interacting Users 44,231 Unique Clicking Users 3,262 Video Start Rate 0.86 % 44.66% Unique Video Viewers 32,784 Expansion Rate 1.31 % 22.40% Unique Expanding Users 35,954 * The Summary Presentation data appears in GMT -5 EST **Publishers with more than three percent of the total Served Impressions appear in the pie chart. 'Other' represents the remaining publishers.

3 Creative Samples Gears of War 2 Dec08 Ad Name Publisher Site(s)
GearsOfWar2 HD MSN UK Xbox_FHM_New Bauer UK

4 Campaign Performance Engagement Summary Gears of War 2 Dec08
Publisher Name Served Impressions Interaction Rate CTR Users Average Dwell Time (Sec) Total Expansions Rate Expansion Average Duration (Sec) Video Started Rate Video Average Duration (sec) MSN UK 3,883,878 7.19 % 0.08 % 56.28 1.31 % 36.26 0.87 % 47.81 Bauer UK 54,205 0.00 % 13.33 0.00 Totals 3,938,083 7.09 % 50.43 1.29 % 0.86 % * Engagement Summary slides contain data about Rich Media content only. ‘Totals’ values may differ from Total Campaign values

5 Campaign Performance Engagement Summary Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten publishers sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Interaction Rate CTR Rich Media Total Expansion Rate Video Started Rate 16.29% 0.82% 22.40% 44.66%

6 Campaign Performance Engagement Summary Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten publishers sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Expansion Average Duration (sec.) Video Average Duration (Sec) 39.21 36.00

7 Campaign Performance Unique Metrics Gears of War 2 Dec08
Publisher Name Unique impressions Average Frequency Unique Clicking Users Unique Clicking Users Rate Unique Interacting Users Unique Interacting Users Rate Unique Expanding Users Unique Expanding Users Rate Unique Video Viewers Unique Video Viewers Rate MSN UK 1,763,162 2.20 3,262 0.19 % 44,516 2.52 % 35,961 2.04 % 32,784 1.86 % Bauer UK 46,057 1.18 0.00 % Totals 1,808,063 2.18 0.18 % 44,231 2.45 % 35,954 1.99 % 1.81 %

8 Campaign Performance Unique Metrics Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten publishers sorted by Served Impressions in descending order

9 Performance by Frequency
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Performance by Frequency Campaign Name Frequency Served Impressions CTR Interaction Rate Impressions with Any Panel Expansion - Rate Ad Average Duration (Sec) User Average Dwell Time(Sec) Gears of War 2 Dec08 3,938,083 0.08 % 7.09 % 0.94 % 578.97 50.43 1 1,807,621 0.10 % 8.34 % 1.10 % 572.90 47.50 2 737,379 0.09 % 7.87 % 1.04 % 603.01 55.53 3 422,305 6.94 % 0.92 % 610.06 56.78 4 268,023 5.95 % 0.80 % 610.70 54.13 5 179,072 0.05 % 5.13 % 0.68 % 605.28 53.41 6+ 523,683 0.04 % 3.01 % 0.41 % 511.81 49.02 Totals Performance by Frequency data is applicable only to Campaigns that started after March 3, 2008

10 Performance by Frequency
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Performance by Frequency Performance by Frequency data is applicable only to Campaigns that started after March 3, 2008

11 Publisher Unique Overlap
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Publisher Unique Overlap Publisher Name Unique Impressions Exclusive Unique Impressions Exclusive Unique % Out Of Unique Impressions Overlap Unique Impressions Overlap Unique Impressions with One Publisher Overlap Unique Impressions with Two Publishers Overlap Unique Impressions with Three Publishers MSN UK 1,763,162 1,762,586 99.97 % 576 Bauer UK 46,057 45,481 98.75 %

12 Publisher Unique Overlap
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Publisher Unique Overlap * Top five publishers sorted by Exclusive Unique Rate in descending order - Use this graph to compare the Publishers' rates of Unique users who viewed the campaign only on that specific Publisher (Exclusive Unique Impressions). - Publishers with high Exclusive Unique Impressions rate contribute better to a higher campaign reach. - Publishers with a lower Exclusive Unique Impressions rate contribute better to campaigns that require a larger users' overlap. (Higher viewing frequency, deeper brand awareness). - Examine the '% of Overlapping Unique Impressions with other Publishers' graph to view the breakdown of each publishers' overlap with other publishers.

13 Publisher Unique Overlap
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Publisher Unique Overlap * Top five publishers sorted by Exclusive Unique Rate in descending order - Use this graph to view the top 5 overlapping combinations for each publisher (Represented by the different colors) and examine each publishers' overlap. - Each publisher Unique overlap makes a 100% that is broken down to the different overlap combinations. - e.g. A publisher might share specific Unique users with more than one other publisher at the same time - this case represents a combination of overlap with two other publishers.

14 Video Metrics - Play Rate
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Video Metrics - Play Rate Publisher Name Served Impressions Video Started Rate Video Average Duration (sec) Video 25% Played Rate Video 50% Played Rate Video 75% Played Rate Video Fully Played Rate Bauer UK 54,205 0.00 % 0.00 N/A MSN UK 3,883,878 0.87 % 47.81 90.56 % 81.89 % 63.25 % 49.97 % Total 3,938,083 0.86 %

15 Video Metrics - Play Rate
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Video Metrics - Play Rate * Top five publishers sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Video 50% Played Rate Video Fully Played Rate 69.23% 39.35%

16 Video Metrics - Play Rate
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Video Metrics - Play Rate * Top five publishers sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Video Average Duration (sec.) Video Started Rate 36.00 44.66%

17 Campaign Performance Creative Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08 Ad Name
Interaction Rate CTR Average Dwell Time (sec) Total Expansion Rate Expansion Average Duration (sec) Video Started Rate Video Average Duration (sec) GearsOfWar2 HD 7.19 % 0.08 % 56.28 1.31 % 36.26 0.87 % 47.81 Xbox_FHM_New 0.00 % 13.33 0.00

18 Campaign Performance Creative Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten Ad Names sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Interaction Rate CTR Rich Media Total Expansion Rate Video Started Rate 16.29% 0.82% 22.40% 44.66%

19 Campaign Performance Creative Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten Ad Names sorted by Served Impressions in descending order Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK, Gaming Expansion Average Duration (sec.) Video Average Duration (Sec) 39.21 36.00

20 Campaign Performance Ad Format Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08
Ad Format (Unit Size) Served Impressions CTR Interaction Rate Average Dwell Time (Sec) Expandable Banner (234x60) 3,883,878 0.08 % 7.19 % 56.28 Floating Ad (N/A) 54,205 0.00 % 13.33 Totals 3,938,083 7.09 % 50.43 * Ad Format Comparison slides do not include Tracking Pixel data. ‘Totals’ values may differ from Total Campaign values

21 Campaign Performance Ad Format Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten Ad Formats and Unit Sizes sorted by Served Impressions in descending order

22 Campaign Performance Ad Format Comparison Gears of War 2 Dec08
* Top ten Ad Formats and Unit Sizes sorted by Served Impressions in descending order

23 Report Contains No Data
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Conversions Summary Report Contains No Data

24 Report Contains No Data
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Conversions Summary Report Contains No Data

25 Report Contains No Data
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Conversions Summary Report Contains No Data

26 Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK
Gears of War 2 Dec08 Campaign Performance Eyeblaster Benchmarks For: Q1 '07 - Q4 '07, UK Basic Metrics Video Metrics Expandable Metrics Ad Format IR CTR Average Video Duration (Sec) Video Started Rate Video 50% Played Rate Video Fully Played Rate Total Expansion Rate Impressions with a Specific Panel Expansion - Rate Expansion Average Duration (Sec) Floating Ad 6.93% 4.08% 8.80 55.45% 43.47% 28.16% N/A Expandable Banner 30.16% 0.44% 85.03 18.94% 66.69% 43.16% 32.45% 14.83% 66.28 Basic Metrics Video Metrics Expandable Metrics Vertical IR CTR (Standard Media) CTR (Rich Media) Average Video Duration (Sec) Video Started Rate Video 50% Played Rate Video Fully Played Rate Total Expansion Rate Impressions with a Specific Panel Expansion - Rate Expansion Average Duration (Sec) Gaming 16.29% 0.16% 0.82% 36.00 44.66% 69.23% 39.35% 22.40% 9.33% 39.21

27 Gears of War 2 Dec08 Thank You!

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