Reading Project Samples

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1 Reading Project Samples
Mrs. Kercher 7th Grade Reading

2 Overview of Requirements
In 7th grade, you must complete four book reviews. Two of the reviews must be a fiction novel. These cannot be stories that have been made in a movie. Two of the reviews must be a non-fiction selection. All selections must be approved and signed out. Instructions for each marking period review will be posted on the website. This will allow you to view it from home and down load it to your device. The review will consist of a story map and a project. The next slides contain samples for the Marking Period 1 (MP1) reviews.

3 CD Album Cover Inside – Song list and CD Front Cover Back of CD Case –
Song Titles Song Description

4 Book in a Bag * Title on front with name and class period.
* Items all fit within bag. * Description of each item within bag provides a clear understanding of contents.

5 Illustrated Timeline

6 Travel Brochure Inside Pages Front Cover Title and Name Back Cover

7 Diary Entries Cover and Entries Booklet Entries and 3-D project

8 Diorama Be sure to include a well written description for the scene.
Scene on a platform Front of box Inside the box Scene and description

9 Story Map – Non - Fiction
This shows two sections of the required story map for a non-fiction text. You can complete it by hand or download and type it.

10 Story Map - Fiction Handwritten Sample
Be sure to review the rubric and if you need extra space add a piece of paper. You may type it if you’d prefer.

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