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TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION FOR PORTFOLIO Use the following screens as a guideline for your Art 30 final portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION FOR PORTFOLIO Use the following screens as a guideline for your Art 30 final portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION FOR PORTFOLIO Use the following screens as a guideline for your Art 30 final portfolio.

This is 24 pt font!!! REQUIREMENTS FOR POWERPOINT PORTFOLIO Follow the indicated format as shown in this template as closely as possible Do not exceed the number of slides indicated For your writing, use no smaller than 18 PT FONT -- UP TO 24 PT FONT (except for headings which can be bigger) Do not write more information on your screens than 18 pt font will allow. Get to the point! Use easy to read fonts. (Please no cursive or strange ones) Stay within the margins of each screen See rubric on final page for assessment guidelines SAVE AS: yourname_art30final.PDF COMPLETED POWERPOINT TO MS. RUSNAK BY 3:00 PM ON FRIDAY JUNE 23rd. This is 20 pt font!! This is 18 pt font!!

--Complete each slide as described in outline --Use high quality images and crop them to make them tidy. ---Clearly articulate your growth and learning throughout this portfolio. Complete each slide thoughtfully and meaningfully in relation to your own journey in art. --Ensure your explanations of each section are fully developed with clear examples - do not fluff up the content with vague explanations; be succinct. --Make sure your organization of content and ideas is exceptionally clear and easy to follow. --Complete each slide as described in the outline. --Include all images required -- All writing is complete and an accurate representation of your learning. --Very Good organization overall. --Complete most of the slides as described in outline --Include almost all images --Most writing is complete -- Mostly organized -- Requirements as described in outline are incomplete and/or inaccurate. --Must include more images and writing --Needs significantly more organization. Exceeding Expectations 86-100 Meeting Expectations 76-85 Almost Meeting Expectations 60 -75 Minimally meeting requirements 50 - Not meeting requirements Under 50

Goal -- DESCRIBE YOUR INTENTION FOR PROJECT 1 HERE – what did you want to learn/ express / achieve / create when you made this artwork? KIMIMILA PROJECT GOAL -- DESCRIBE YOUR INTENTION FOR PROJECT 2 HERE – what did you want to learn/ express / achieve / create when you made this artwork? FORTUNE COOKIE PROJECT GOAL-- DESCRIBE YOUR INTENTION FOR PROJECT 3 HERE – what did you want to learn/ express / achieve / create when you made this artwork?

5 TERM 1 - Projects 4 and 5 Choice project
-- DESCRIBE YOUR INTENTION FOR PROJECT 5 HERE – what did you want to learn/ express / achieve / create when you made this artwork? Clay mug -- DESCRIBE YOUR INTENTION FOR PROJECT 4 HERE- – what did you want to learn/ express / achieve / create when you made this artwork?

6 TERM 1 REFLECTION Areas to develop in Term 2 Term 1 Strengths
ARTIST HABIT 1 Explain what habit you decided to work on in TERM 2. (Refer to the large handout you completed at the end of term 1) ARTIST HABIT 2 Term 2 Reflection How well did you do in Term 2 at improving upon these habits written above? Term 1 Strengths ARTIST HABIT 1 Explain how you developed this habit in term 1 (refer to the large handout you completed at the end of term 1) ARTIST HABIT 2 If you have any images to support your ideas you can include them on this page or create up to one additional slide for images with short captions.

7 Concentration Project
IMAGE 1 IMAGE 2 IMAGE 3 IMAGE 4 IMAGE 1 Include images of the 3 to 5 artworks you created for your concentration. TITLE AND MATERIALS TITLE AND MATERIALS TITLE AND MATERIALS TITLE AND MATERIALS

8 Concentration Project Description (refer to your proposal to complete this section)
FORM – What the artwork “IS”: --Refer to your proposal and think about the work that you made. Explain the materials, imagery and processes involved in making your work. THEME – What the artwork “MEANS”: --Think about the ideas you are trying to express and explain how you expressed them. CONTEXT –What inspired or influences the creation of the work. --Explain where you got your ideas from and consider how your artwork is relevant to the world in which you live.

9 Term 2 Areas of Growth Where I saw growth this term
Choose two areas (Artist‘s habits) in which you saw growth this term. You may add up to one slide with images and short captions if you wish. ARTIST HABIT 1 Explain how you developed this habit in term 2 ARTIST HABIT 2

10 Process for Concentration
Show some of the work you did to come up with your ideas for your concentration project. You can use one or two slides for this. Use captions to explain your images.

11 What I learned this year in Art 30
Explain overall what you learned in Art 30 this year. You can refer to the Artists’ Habits or you can write in more general terms.

(SLIDE 1 and 2) FIRST TERM ARTWORKS Images of 5 artworks have been included. Goals for each work are clearly and effectively communicated. (SLIDE 3) (optional extra slide) FIRST TERM REFLECTION ON HABITS &SECOND TERM REPONSE You identify 2 artist habits that are going well and clearly explain why. You identify 2 artist habits that you will work on and clearly explain why You explain how well you did in the second term at improving upon these habits written above. (SLIDE 4) CONCENTRATION ARTWORK Images of 3-5 artworks are included. Title and media are written. (SLIDE 5) CONCENTRATION DESCRIPTION FORM, THEME and CONTEXT are effectively explained for your project. A theme is clearly connects your series of artworks. (SLIDE 6) SECOND TERM REFLECTION ON HABITS You identify 2 artist habits that went well and explain why using clear examples from your concentration project. (SLIDE 7 (8 optional)) PROCESS You include 2-4 images that show development of your ideas. Include written annotations that explain the process of creating your concentration. WHAT YOU LEARNED LAST SLIDE You effectively explain how you have grown as an artist this year in Art 30.

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