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Fear, Love and Steward Matthew 10:26-42.

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Presentation on theme: "Fear, Love and Steward Matthew 10:26-42."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear, Love and Steward Matthew 10:26-42

2 How to be a Christian, in a world that is Anti.
(16a) Be Aligned “I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves” (16b) Be Clever, yet Innocent “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (17-18) Be Prepared "beware of men" (19-20) Be Courageous "be not anxious"

3 Encouragement for Christians
They would be threatened (28) They would experience rejection (36, cf Mic 7:6)

4 Encouragement for Christians
They would be threatened (28) They would experience rejection (36, cf Mic 7:6) God is Sovereign (26-33)

5 Encouragement for Christians
They would be threatened (28) They would experience rejection (36, cf Mic 7:6) God is Sovereign (26-33) You have chosen wisely (37-38)

6 Encouragement for Christians
They would be threatened (28) They would experience rejection (36, cf Mic 7:6) God is Sovereign (26-33) You have chosen wisely (37-38) You are counted alongside the Prophets and Righteous messengers (40-42)

7 Encouragement for Christians
... 9:37, "the labourers are indeed few"

8 Encouragement for Christians
... 9:37, "the labourers are indeed few" the evidence is the state of affairs (36)

9 Encouragement for Christians
... 9:37, "the labourers are indeed few" the evidence is the state of affairs (36) the remedy is Prayer (38)

10 Encouragement for Christians
... 9:37, "the labourers are indeed few" the evidence is the state of affairs (36) the remedy is Prayer (38) and Obedience (5, 16, 28:19)

11 Encouragement Challenge

12 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 1: Fear Rightly (28)

13 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 1: Fear Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is the Judge Luk 12:5, Mat 25:31,41,46, Jhn 5:25-29 Mat 10: 32-33

14 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 1: Fear Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is the Judge Luk 12:5, Mat 25:31,41,46, Jhn 5:25-29 Mat 10: 32-33 ...Do you fear the enemy, or Do you fear for the enemy? That fear must first be borne in you. Who will you Fear?

15 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 2: Love Rightly (28)

16 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 2: Love Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is worthy of Supreme Love Deut 6:2, 6 : The Greatest Commandment

17 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 2: Love Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is worthy of Supreme Love Deut 6:2, 6 : The Greatest Commandment Mat 10: : The Essential Life

18 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 2: Love Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is worthy of Supreme Love Deut 6:2, 6 : The Greatest Commandment Mat 10: : The Essential Life For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Col 3:3-4

19 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 2: Love Rightly (28) Jesus Christ is worthy of Supreme Love Deut 6:2, 6 : The Greatest Commandment Mat 10: : The Essential Life For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Col 3:3-4 This Love must first be borne in you. Who will you Love?

20 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 3: Steward Rightly (40-42)

21 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 3: Steward Rightly (40-42) Jesus Christ is the Reward

22 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 3: Steward Rightly (40-42) Jesus Christ is the Reward Jhn 20:21 : You are a "sent one" of Jesus Christ

23 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 3: Steward Rightly (40-42) Jesus Christ is the Reward Jhn 20:21 : You are a "sent one" of Jesus Christ If you don’t know who you are, you won’t be offering Who you ought!

24 Encouragement Challenge
Challenge 3: Steward Rightly (40-42) Jesus Christ is the Reward Jhn 20:21 : You are a "sent one" of Jesus Christ If you don’t know who you are, you won’t be offering Who you ought! What will their reward be for receving you?

25 Encouragement for Christians
Fear Rightly - Faithfully Love Rightly - Faithfully Steward Rightly - Faithfully

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