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And the Prophet Mohammed

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1 And the Prophet Mohammed
Islam And the Prophet Mohammed

2 Arabia Before Islam Mostly settled peoples Polytheism was most popular
Nomads helped to facilitate trade throughout the Middle East Mecca was an important city It was a trading hub It was also home to the Ka’ba, a shrine of relics

3 Mohammed Became a successful Born around 570 A.D. caravan operator
Married a successful widow at age 25 Born around 570 A.D. Orphaned early in life, raised by his Uncle.

4 The Prophet Mohammed To find peace Mohammed traveled to caves outside Mecca Around 610 Mohammed believes he is having visions given to him by the Angel Gabriel He realizes that he is a prophet His revelations form the Quran Though his wife converts he is not very popular in Mecca

5 Mohammed in Medina The city of Yathrib was experiencing turmoil.
Some of Mohammed’s followers were already there. It was proposed that he go there to lead with the promise of more followers. Yathrib becomes Medina, “the City”

6 March on Mecca Mohammed successfully establishes himself and Islam in Medina He and his followers want to take Islam to Mecca After a victory against large odds they feel they have the blessing of Allah In 630 Mecca falls, the Ka’ba is rededicated and most of the population converts

7 Mohammed’s Death In the year 632 Mohammed dies in Medina
By this point most of the Arabian peninsula is under the control of the Islamic caliphate Initially he is succeeded by an early follower Abu Bakr Later Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law makes a bid for the caliphate stating that what made Mohammed special is still in his bloodline. This begins the Sunni and Shi’ite split.

8 Five Pillars of Islam Confession of Faith (Shahada)- There is no god but God and Mohammed is the prophet of God Daily Prayer (Salat)- 5 times a day facing Mecca Alms (Zakat)- An offering required of all capable adults. Additional voluntary alms giving is encouraged. Pilgrimage (Hajj) – To Mecca at least once in your life if you are able. Fasting during Ramadan (Sawm)- Commemorates the revelation of the Quran

9 Islam in Relation to Judaism and Christianity
Mohammed as the last Prophet, not the first Descended from Abraham, through Ishmael Islam is the “surrender” to God and the pure form of his worship The Quran supersedes the revelations to all past prophets including Noah, Moses, and Jesus

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